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CNetWksta.cls 1.1 (24 years ago) by pjm2: Some VB class files that are used to return certain information about the machine they are running on. I did not write these. I had to change a couple of bits to make them work, however.
CUpTime.cls 1.1 (24 years ago) by pjm2: Some VB class files that are used to return certain information about the machine they are running on. I did not write these. I had to change a couple of bits to make them work, however.
Imports.bas 1.3 (24 years ago) by pjm2: Added a check for Win9x machines on startup. We do not wish to monitor these types of machine as they are not servers.
MSWINSCK.OCX 1.3 (24 years ago) by pjm2: Checked in binaries for use by the winhost
PDH.DLL 1.1 (24 years ago) by pjm2: The binary DLL used by CUpTime.
SysTray.ocx 1.3 (24 years ago) by pjm2: Checked in binaries for use by the winhost
info.ico 1.1 (24 years ago) by pjm2: i-scream system tray icon.
nettest.frm 1.31 (24 years ago) by pjm2: Netbios name is now sent in the UDP packet.
nettest.frx 1.3 (24 years ago) by pjm2: Program now starts up minimised in the system tray. I think this is more or less the final thing now.
nettest.vbp 1.8 (24 years ago) by pjm2: Uptime is now obtained from the CUpTime class rather than the Windows API. This should hopefully prevent the number wrapping round after 47 days.
nettest.vbw 1.9 (24 years ago) by pjm2: Netbios name is now sent in the UDP packet.
winhost.exe 1.4 (24 years ago) by pjm2: Netbios name is now sent in the UDP packet.
winhost.ini 1.1 (24 years ago) by pjm2: INI configuration file for the Winhost (not yet used)
0 directories and 13 files shown