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Comparing experimental/host/vb_net_test/nettest.frm (file contents):
Revision 1.16 by pjm2, Fri Feb 23 17:31:44 2001 UTC vs.
Revision 1.19 by pjm2, Mon Feb 26 08:53:48 2001 UTC

# Line 2 | Line 2 | VERSION 5.00
2   Object = "{248DD890-BB45-11CF-9ABC-0080C7E7B78D}#1.0#0"; "MSWINSCK.OCX"
3   Object = "{33155A3D-0CE0-11D1-A6B4-444553540000}#1.0#0"; "SysTray.ocx"
4   Begin VB.Form Form1
5 <   BorderStyle     =   4  'Fixed ToolWindow
5 >   BorderStyle     =   3  'Fixed Dialog
6     Caption         =   "i-scream Winhost"
7     ClientHeight    =   5655
8     ClientLeft      =   45
9 <   ClientTop       =   285
9 >   ClientTop       =   330
10     ClientWidth     =   4710
11     LinkTopic       =   "Form1"
12     MaxButton       =   0   'False
13 +   MinButton       =   0   'False
14     ScaleHeight     =   5655
15     ScaleWidth      =   4710
16     ShowInTaskbar   =   0   'False
# Line 67 | Line 68 | Begin VB.Form Form1
68        _Version        =   393216
69        Protocol        =   1
70     End
71 +   Begin VB.Label Label5
72 +      Caption         =   "b e t a"
73 +      BeginProperty Font
74 +         Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
75 +         Size            =   24
76 +         Charset         =   0
77 +         Weight          =   700
78 +         Underline       =   0   'False
79 +         Italic          =   0   'False
80 +         Strikethrough   =   0   'False
81 +      EndProperty
82 +      Height          =   615
83 +      Left            =   240
84 +      TabIndex        =   8
85 +      Top             =   120
86 +      Width           =   1815
87 +   End
88     Begin VB.Label Label2
89        Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
90        Caption         =   "Next heartbeat:"
# Line 107 | Line 125 | Begin VB.Form Form1
125        Alignment       =   2  'Center
126        Caption         =   "Status:"
127        Height          =   255
128 <      Left            =   120
128 >      Left            =   0
129        TabIndex        =   2
130        Top             =   1320
131 <      Width           =   4455
131 >      Width           =   4695
132     End
133   End
134   Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
# Line 123 | Line 141 | Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "
141   Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileInt Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileIntA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal nDefault As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
143   Dim filterManagerHostname As String
144 < Dim filterManagerTCPPort As Integer
144 > Dim filterManagerTCPPort As Long
146   Dim seqNo As Long
147   Dim machineName As String
# Line 152 | Line 170 | Private Sub Form_Load()
170      'Form1.Caption = "i-scream Winhost " & protocolVersion & " for " & GetVersion()
172      ''''TEMP
173 <    filterManagerHostname = ""
174 <    filterManagerTCPPort = 4567
173 >    'filterManagerHostname = ""
174 >    'filterManagerTCPPort = 4567
175      ''''' END TEMP
177 <    GoTo skip
177 >    'GoTo skip
178      On Error GoTo iniError
179      Dim buf As String * 256
180      Dim length As Long
181 <    length = GetPrivateProfileString("i-scream Winhost", "FilterManager", "<no value>", buf, Len(buf), App.Path & "winhost.ini")
181 >    length = GetPrivateProfileString("i-scream Winhost", "FilterManager", "<no value>", buf, Len(buf), App.Path & "/winhost.ini")
182      filterManagerHostname = Left$(buf, length)
183 <    length = GetPrivateProfileString("i-scream Winhost", "FilterManagerPort", "<no value>", buf, Len(buf), App.Path & "winhost.ini")
184 <    filterManagerTCPPort = Left$(buf, length)
183 >    length = GetPrivateProfileInt("i-scream Winhost", "FilterManagerPort", 0, App.Path & "/winhost.ini")
184 >    filterManagerTCPPort = length
185   skip:
187 <    Status.Caption = "Connecting to Filter Manager"
187 >    Status.Caption = "Connecting to Filter Manager " & filterManagerHostname & ":" & filterManagerTCPPort
188      Reconfigure_Click
190      Form1.Show
# Line 176 | Line 194 | skip:
194      Exit Sub
196   iniError:
197 <    x = MsgBox("The i-scream Winhost could not read the correct settings from the winhost.ini file.  Please correct these and try again.", 48, "Configuration not found")
197 >    x = MsgBox("The i-scream Winhost could not read the correct settings from the winhost.ini file.  Please correct these and try again.  " & Err.Description, 48, "Configuration not found")
198      End
200   End Sub
# Line 384 | Line 402 | Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
402          memory& = memsts.dwAvailVirtual
403          swapFree = memory& \ 1024
405 +        uptime = GetTickCount \ 1000
406 +        
407          ' build the contents of the XML packet
408          xml = "<packet seq_no=""" & seqNo & """ machine_name=""" & machineName & """ date=""" & packetDate & """ type=""data"" ip=""" & LocalIP & """>" & _
409                "<os>" & _
# Line 393 | Line 413 | Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
413                  "<platform>" & osName & "</platform>" & _
414                  "<minor_version>" & osVersionMinor & "</minor_version>" & _
415                  "<processor>" & processorType & "</processor>" & _
416 +                "<uptime>" & uptime & "</uptime>" & _
417                "</os>" & _
418                "<memory><total>" & memTotal & "</total><free>" & memFree & "</free></memory>" & _
419                "<swap><total>" & swapTotal & "</total><free>" & swapFree & "</free></swap>" & _
420 <              ""
420 >              "</packet>"
421          Text4.Text = Text4.Text + xml
423          ' Use the first winsock control to send a UDP packet.

Diff Legend

Removed lines
+ Added lines
< Changed lines
> Changed lines