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Revision: 1.1
Committed: Sat Mar 9 19:53:24 2002 UTC (22 years, 6 months ago) by tdb
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Log Message:
Graphing of most of the i-scream data. This is intended as an alternative
to the current MySQL/DBReporter style of daily graph generation.
This is split into two sections: connects to the i-scream client interface, parses all the data
and stores it in rrdtool database files. This is still very incomplete and
somewhat messy code :) generates graphs from the rrdtool database files created by the
previous script. It drops these images into a directory structure for
viewing over the web.
The php pages provide an easy way to view these graphs during development,
but it is expected in the long term to integrate this into the i-scream
reports pages.
Finally is a wrapper to the XML parsing to create i-scream
style XMLPacket hashes :)

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 tdb 1.1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3     $| = 1;
5     use strict;
6     use iscream::XMLParser;
7     use IO::Socket;
8     use RRDs;
10     if (@ARGV != 2) {
11     die "Usage: [i-scream client interface] [TCP port]\n";
12     }
14     my($addr) = $ARGV[0];
15     my($cport) = $ARGV[1];
17     #print `rm -f *.rrd *.png`;
19     my($csock) = new IO::Socket::INET(
20     PeerAddr => $addr,
21     PeerPort => $cport,
22     Proto => 'tcp'
23     ) or die "Cannot connect!";
25     if (!defined $csock) {
26     print "ERROR: Could not connect to $addr:$cport.\n";
27     print "Please check that there is an i-scream server at this address.\n";
28     exit(1);
29     }
31     my($response);
33     $response = <$csock>;
34     if ($response && $response ne "PROTOCOL 1.1\n") {
35     print "The i-scream server sent an unexpected protocol id: $response\n";
36     close($csock);
37     exit(1);
38     }
40     print $csock "cpugrapher\n";
41     $response = <$csock>;
42     if ($response && $response ne "OK\n") {
43     print "Received unexpected response: $response\n";
44     close($csock);
45     exit(1);
46     }
48     #print $csock "SETHOSTLIST\n";
49     #$response = <$csock>;
50     #if ($response && $response ne "OK\n") {
51     # print "Received odd response: $response\n";
52     # close($csock);
53     # exit(1);
54     #}
56     #print $csock "\n";
57     #$response = <$csock>;
58     #if ($response && $response ne "OK\n") {
59     # print "Received odd response: $response\n";
60     # close($csock);
61     # exit(1);
62     #}
64     print $csock "STARTDATA\n";
65     $response = <$csock>;
67     chop $response;
68     print "Asked to connect to port $response on $addr, connecting...\n";
70     my($dport) = $response;
72     my($dsock) = new IO::Socket::INET(
73     PeerAddr => $addr,
74     PeerPort => $dport,
75     Proto => 'tcp'
76     ) or die "Cannot connect!";
78     if (!defined $dsock) {
79     print "ERROR: Could not connect to $addr:$dport.\n";
80     print "Failure in communications.\n";
81     close($csock);
82     exit(1);
83     }
85     while(1) {
86     $response = <$dsock>;
87     #print "$response\n";
88     my($err, %xmlhash) = &iscream::XMLParser::parse($response);
89     if($err) {
90     print "SKIPPED (bad xml): $response";
91     }
92     ## -- mental note, think about ordering checks for optimal speed ;)
93     # take a look to see if we have a shutdown packet...
94     if($xmlhash{"packet.attributes.type"} eq "data") {
95     my($machine) = $xmlhash{"packet.attributes.machine_name"};
96     my($date) = $xmlhash{""};
97     # make directory for machine
98     if(! -d "$machine") {
99     # not sure on this umask, but it seems to work?
100     mkdir "$machine", 0777;
101     }
102     # cpu
103     my($cpu_idle) = $xmlhash{"packet.cpu.idle"};
104     my($cpu_user) = $xmlhash{"packet.cpu.user"};
105     my($cpu_kernel) = $xmlhash{"packet.cpu.kernel"};
106     my($cpu_swap) = $xmlhash{"packet.cpu.swap"};
107     my($cpu_iowait) = $xmlhash{"packet.cpu.iowait"};
108     if( ! -f "$machine/cpu.rrd") {
109     print "making new rrd for $machine\_cpu\n";
110     &makerrd_cpu($machine, $date);
111     }
112     #my($cmd) = "rrdtool update $machine\_cpu.rrd $date:$cpu_idle:$cpu_user:$cpu_kernel:$cpu_swap:$cpu_iowait";
113     RRDs::update ("$machine/cpu.rrd", "$date:$cpu_idle:$cpu_user:$cpu_kernel:$cpu_swap:$cpu_iowait");
114     #print "done $machine\n";
115     my($err_cpu) = RRDs::error;
116     die "Error_cpu: $err_cpu\n" if $err_cpu;
117     #print "$cmd\n";
118     #print `$cmd`;
119     # mem
120     my($mem_free) = $xmlhash{""};
121     my($mem_total) = $xmlhash{""};
122     if( ! -f "$machine/mem.rrd") {
123     print "making new rrd for $machine\_mem\n";
124     &makerrd_mem($machine, $date);
125     }
126     RRDs::update ("$machine/mem.rrd", "$date:$mem_free:$mem_total");
127     my($err_mem) = RRDs::error;
128     die "Error_mem: $err_mem\n" if $err_mem;
129     # load
130     my($load_1) = $xmlhash{"packet.load.load1"};
131     my($load_5) = $xmlhash{"packet.load.load5"};
132     my($load_15) = $xmlhash{"packet.load.load15"};
133     if( ! -f "$machine/load.rrd") {
134     print "making new rrd for $machine\_load\n";
135     &makerrd_load($machine, $date);
136     }
137     RRDs::update ("$machine/load.rrd", "$date:$load_1:$load_5:$load_15");
138     my($err_load) = RRDs::error;
139     die "Error_load: $err_load\n" if $err_load;
140     # processes
141     my($proc_cpu) = $xmlhash{"packet.processes.cpu"};
142     my($proc_sleeping) = $xmlhash{"packet.processes.sleeping"};
143     my($proc_stopped) = $xmlhash{"packet.processes.stopped"};
144     my($proc_total) = $xmlhash{""};
145     my($proc_zombie) = $xmlhash{"packet.processes.zombie"};
146     if( ! -f "$machine/proc.rrd") {
147     print "making new rrd for $machine\_proc\n";
148     &makerrd_proc($machine, $date);
149     }
150     RRDs::update ("$machine/proc.rrd", "$date:$proc_cpu:$proc_sleeping:$proc_stopped:$proc_total:$proc_zombie");
151     my($err_proc) = RRDs::error;
152     die "Error_proc: $err_proc\n" if $err_proc;
153     # swap
154     my($swap_free) = $xmlhash{""};
155     my($swap_total) = $xmlhash{""};
156     if( ! -f "$machine/swap.rrd") {
157     print "making new rrd for $machine\_swap\n";
158     &makerrd_swap($machine, $date);
159     }
160     RRDs::update ("$machine/swap.rrd", "$date:$swap_free:$swap_total");
161     my($err_swap) = RRDs::error;
162     die "Error_swap: $err_swap\n" if $err_swap;
163     # users
164     my($users_count) = $xmlhash{"packet.users.count"};
165     if( ! -f "$machine/users.rrd") {
166     print "making new rrd for $machine\_users\n";
167     &makerrd_users($machine, $date);
168     }
169     RRDs::update ("$machine/users.rrd", "$date:$users_count");
170     my($err_users) = RRDs::error;
171     die "Error_users: $err_users\n" if $err_users;
172     # disk
173     # some definitions
174     # ch -> hex: $hex = sprintf("%02x", ord($ch));
175     # hex -> ch: $ch = chr(hex($hex));
176     # / converted to a decimal then hex'd
177     my($hex_slash) = "_2f";
178     # _ converted to a decimal then hex'd
179     my($hex_underscore) = "_5f";
180     my($i) = 0;
181     while(defined $xmlhash{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.mount"}) {
182     #my($name) = $xmlhash{"packet.disk.p$"};
183     my($mount) = $xmlhash{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.mount"};
184     #print "$response\n";
185     #print "$i: $machine $name\n";
186     #$mount =~ s/-/--/g;
187     my($encmount) = $mount;
188     $encmount =~ s/_/$hex_underscore/g;
189     $encmount =~ s/\//$hex_slash/g;
190     if( ! -f "$machine/disk-$encmount.rrd" ) {
191     print "making new database for $machine\_disk-$encmount\n";
192     &makerrd_disk($machine, $date, $encmount);
193     }
194     #my($avail) = $xmlhash{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.avail"};
195     my($kbytes) = $xmlhash{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.kbytes"};
196     my($used) = $xmlhash{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.used"};
197     #print "$machine\_disk-$name.rrd $date:$kbytes:$used\n";
198     RRDs::update ("$machine/disk-$encmount.rrd", "$date:$kbytes:$used");
199     my($err_disk) = RRDs::error;
200     die "Error_disk: $err_disk\n" if $err_disk;
201     ++$i;
202     }
204     }
205     elsif($xmlhash{"packet.attributes.type"} eq "queueStat") {
206     # make directory
207     if(! -d "i-scream-server") {
208     # not sure on this umask, but it seems to work?
209     mkdir "i-scream-server", 0777;
210     }
211     # take a look to see if we have a shutdown packet...
212     if($xmlhash{"packet.attributes.shutdown"} && $xmlhash{"packet.attributes.shutdown"} eq "true") {
213     my($hash) = $xmlhash{"packet.attributes.hashCode"};
214     my($cmd) = "rm -f i-scream-server/$hash\_*.rrd /home/tdb/public_html/rrd/i-scream-server/$hash*.png i-scream-server/$hash.def";
215     print `$cmd`;
216     print "$cmd\n";
217     next;
218     }
219     my($hash) = $xmlhash{"packet.attributes.hashCode"};
220     my($date) = $xmlhash{""};
221     my($name) = $xmlhash{""};
222     my($total) = $xmlhash{""};
223     my($i) = 0;
224     while(defined $xmlhash{"packet.queue.attributes.queue$i"}) {
225     if( ! -f "i-scream-server/$hash\_$i.rrd" ) {
226     print "making new database for $hash\_$i\n";
227     &makerrd_queue($hash, $i, $date, $name);
228     }
229     my($size) = $xmlhash{"packet.queue.attributes.queue$i"};
230     my($cmd);
231     # see if the queue has been removed
232     if($size eq "[deleted]") {
233     $cmd = "rm -f i-scream-server/$hash\_$i.rrd";
234     # are there any other rrd's left? if not, cleanup!
235     my($rrdcount) = `ls i-scream-server | grep $hash\_\\*.rrd | wc -l`;
236     if($rrdcount == 0) {
237     $cmd = $cmd . " && rm -f i-scream-server/$hash.def /home/tdb/public_html/rrd/i-scream-server/$hash*.png";
238     }
239     print `$cmd`;
240     }
241     else {
242     RRDs::update ("i-scream-server/$hash\_$i.rrd", "$date:$size:$total");
243     my($err_disk) = RRDs::error;
244     die "Error_disk: $err_disk\n" if $err_disk;
245     }
246     ++$i;
247     }
248     }
249     else {
250     #print "SKIPPED: valid xml, but not a data packet\n";
251     }
252     }
254     exit 0;
256     sub makerrd_cpu() {
257     my($machine, $start) = @_;
258     $start = $start - 15;
259     my($init) = "rrdtool create $machine/cpu.rrd --start $start --step 15";
260     my($ds1) = "DS:idle:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:user:GAUGE:600:U:U";
261     my($ds2) = "DS:kernel:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:swap:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:iowait:GAUGE:600:U:U";
262     # 3h in 15s samples 1d in 2m samples 1w in 15m samples 1m in 1hr samples
263     my($rra1) = "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:8:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:672 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:240:744";
264     my($rra2) = "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:8:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:672 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:744";
265     my($cmd) = "$init $ds1 $ds2 $rra1 $rra2";
266     print `$cmd`;
267     print "$cmd\n";
268     print `chmod 600 $machine/cpu.rrd`;
269     }
271     sub makerrd_mem() {
272     my($machine, $start) = @_;
273     $start = $start - 15;
274     my($init) = "rrdtool create $machine/mem.rrd --start $start --step 15";
275     my($ds) = "DS:free:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:total:GAUGE:600:U:U";
276     # 3h in 15s samples 1d in 2m samples 1w in 15m samples 1m in 1hr samples
277     my($rra1) = "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:8:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:672 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:240:744";
278     my($rra2) = "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:8:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:672 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:744";
279     my($cmd) = "$init $ds $rra1 $rra2";
280     print `$cmd`;
281     print "$cmd\n";
282     print `chmod 600 $machine/mem.rrd`;
283     }
285     sub makerrd_load() {
286     my($machine, $start) = @_;
287     $start = $start - 15;
288     my($init) = "rrdtool create $machine/load.rrd --start $start --step 15";
289     my($ds) = "DS:load1:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:load5:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:load15:GAUGE:600:U:U";
290     # 3h in 15s samples 1d in 2m samples 1w in 15m samples 1m in 1hr samples
291     my($rra1) = "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:8:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:672 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:240:744";
292     my($rra2) = "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:8:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:672 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:744";
293     my($cmd) = "$init $ds $rra1 $rra2";
294     print `$cmd`;
295     print "$cmd\n";
296     print `chmod 600 $machine/load.rrd`;
297     }
299     sub makerrd_proc() {
300     my($machine, $start) = @_;
301     $start = $start - 15;
302     my($init) = "rrdtool create $machine/proc.rrd --start $start --step 15";
303     my($ds1) = "DS:cpu:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:sleeping:GAUGE:600:U:U";
304     my($ds2) = "DS:stopped:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:total:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:zombie:GAUGE:600:U:U";
305     # 3h in 15s samples 1d in 2m samples 1w in 15m samples 1m in 1hr samples
306     my($rra1) = "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:8:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:672 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:240:744";
307     my($rra2) = "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:8:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:672 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:744";
308     my($cmd) = "$init $ds1 $ds2 $rra1 $rra2";
309     print `$cmd`;
310     print "$cmd\n";
311     print `chmod 600 $machine/proc.rrd`;
312     }
314     sub makerrd_swap() {
315     my($machine, $start) = @_;
316     $start = $start - 15;
317     my($init) = "rrdtool create $machine/swap.rrd --start $start --step 15";
318     my($ds) = "DS:free:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:total:GAUGE:600:U:U";
319     # 3h in 15s samples 1d in 2m samples 1w in 15m samples 1m in 1hr samples
320     my($rra1) = "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:8:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:672 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:240:744";
321     my($rra2) = "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:8:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:672 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:744";
322     my($cmd) = "$init $ds $rra1 $rra2";
323     print `$cmd`;
324     print "$cmd\n";
325     print `chmod 600 $machine/swap.rrd`;
326     }
328     sub makerrd_users() {
329     my($machine, $start) = @_;
330     $start = $start - 15;
331     my($init) = "rrdtool create $machine/users.rrd --start $start --step 15";
332     my($ds) = "DS:count:GAUGE:600:U:U";
333     # 3h in 15s samples 1d in 2m samples 1w in 15m samples 1m in 1hr samples
334     my($rra1) = "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:8:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:672 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:240:744";
335     my($rra2) = "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:8:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:672 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:744";
336     my($cmd) = "$init $ds $rra1 $rra2";
337     print `$cmd`;
338     print "$cmd\n";
339     print `chmod 600 $machine/users.rrd`;
340     }
342     sub makerrd_disk() {
343     my($machine, $start, $mount) = @_;
344     $start = $start - 15;
345     my($init) = "rrdtool create $machine/disk-$mount.rrd --start $start --step 15";
346     my($ds) = "DS:kbytes:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:used:GAUGE:600:U:U";
347     # 3h in 15s samples 1d in 2m samples 1w in 15m samples 1m in 1hr samples
348     my($rra1) = "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:8:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:672 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:240:744";
349     my($rra2) = "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:8:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:672 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:744";
350     my($cmd) = "$init $ds $rra1 $rra2";
351     print `$cmd`;
352     print "$cmd\n";
353     print `chmod 600 $machine/disk-$mount.rrd`;
354     }
356     sub makerrd_queue() {
357     my($name, $queuenum, $start, $comment) = @_;
358     $start = $start - 15;
359     my($init) = "rrdtool create i-scream-server/$name\_$queuenum.rrd --start $start --step 15";
360     my($ds) = "DS:size:GAUGE:600:U:U DS:total:COUNTER:600:U:U";
361     # 3h in 15s samples 1d in 2m samples 1w in 15m samples 1m in 1hr samples
362     my($rra1) = "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:8:720 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:672 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:240:744";
363     my($rra2) = "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:8:720 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:672 RRA:MAX:0.5:60:744";
364     my($cmd) = "$init $ds $rra1 $rra2";
365     print `$cmd`;
366     print "$cmd\n";
367     print `echo "$comment" > i-scream-server/$name.def`;
368     print `chmod 600 i-scream-server/$name\_$queuenum.rrd i-scream-server/$name.def`;
369     }