Catch a lot of old URL's and update them. Also remove a couple of old files that aren't used.
Added a graph of "the last year". Also fixed a minor bug with the script to create the rrd's. As an aside, I've noticed the grid on the graphs seems to differ between the different graphs. I'm sure this is because I've got some of my numbers a bit silly ;) oh well :)
Fix for when data values aren't defined in the XML packet. This only seems to happen if the ihost-plugin isn't sending the right data... ;)
Glaring bug in the queue monitoring. The total needs to be a COUNTER not a GAUGE. The result was a rather impressive diagonal line ;)
I was going to leave this till later, but I've done it anyway. This is now pretty much complete. Still a few things to consider, like cleaning up on a restart, but it's pretty much finished now.
Rewritten most of the processing part. Now uses subroutines to avoid a lot of unnecessary code duplication. Much tidier, and easier to follow. Maybe this, and, would benefit from an external configuration? maybe... Still need to tidy the connection handling part, it could bail out without much notice. It would be better if it kept retrying - ihost style ;)
Graphing of most of the i-scream data. This is intended as an alternative to the current MySQL/DBReporter style of daily graph generation. This is split into two sections: connects to the i-scream client interface, parses all the data and stores it in rrdtool database files. This is still very incomplete and somewhat messy code :) generates graphs from the rrdtool database files created by the previous script. It drops these images into a directory structure for viewing over the web. The php pages provide an easy way to view these graphs during development, but it is expected in the long term to integrate this into the i-scream reports pages. Finally is a wrapper to the XML parsing to create i-scream style XMLPacket hashes :)
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