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 ../ 1.9 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Added a method to allow the UDPReader to handle XML Strings from other UDPReaders. 1.7 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Added a method to allow the UDPReader to handle XML Strings from other UDPReaders. 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: This provides a main method to run the UDPReader as a thread. 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: A standalone version of the Logger for current testing purposes. 1.3 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Modified the port number used by XMLSender2. Altered UDPReaderThread such that a 'proper' thread is run.
go 1.5 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Altered the 'go' script so that it now compiles and runs UDPReaderTestMain, as the UDPReader no longer has a main method. 1.4 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Fixed the command line parameter problem - accidentally let the program carry on executing if the number of command line parameters was wrong.
test.bad (dead) 1.2 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Removed this file... I'm sure we can all work out how to write malformed XML if we really want to. (dead) 1.2 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Removed - Seemed more appropriate to call it UDPReader. 1.14 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Removed some reporting features from UDPReaderThread and XMLPacketMaker (dead) 1.2 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Removed XMLReaderThread as it is very primitive compared with UDPReaderThread. Modified th go file again.
test.xml 1.4 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Altered test.xml to have a declaration of the file format. XMLPacketMaker has slightly different error handling. 1.3 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Added some echo's to the go file and some minor changes to XMLPacketParser
run 1.2 (23 years ago) by tdb: Made this change when I was giving it a whirl myself, thought others might find it useful ? maybe... :) 1.3 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Added a function to that allows the entire contents of the packet to be echoed to the screen. The main method of XMLPacketMaker now makes use of this feature.
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