Removed some reporting features from UDPReaderThread and XMLPacketMaker
Fixed a major parsing problem by wrapping the XML in an InputSource object and removing null characters from the input. Also modified the XMLSender class so that it no longer sent "null" when the last line of an input file is reached.
Altered test.xml to have a declaration of the file format. XMLPacketMaker has slightly different error handling.
Changed a lot of parts of UDPReader, UDPReaderThread, XMLPacketMaker, XMLPacketParser and XMLSender so that they all work together. XMLSender is just a summy program to send UDP data to the UDPReader.
Added a new class - This new class looks after the SAX parsing methods which are used to create our XMLPacket contents. The XMLPacketMaker class has also been altered to make use of the XMLPacketParser class. The XMLPacketMaker class now accepts a String argument in its constructor. It uses the XMLPacketParser to populate the XMLPacket, for which the XMLPacketMaker provides an accessor.
Added test.bad - this is a file containing malformed XML markup to see if the error handling in XMLPacketManager works properly. XMLPacketMaker has been altered accordingly, catching Throwable exceptions.
Updated the test.xml file to contain slightly more realistic data ;-) The XMLPacketMaker main method now handles attributes within XML opening tags. Read the comments in the file to see how these are dealt with. Go on, you know you want to.
Added a function to that allows the entire contents of the packet to be echoed to the screen. The main method of XMLPacketMaker now makes use of this feature.
This version still contains a main method for testing purposes. It works fine, creating an XMLPacket object. Run with test.xml and you will find that the HashMap stores values with a heirarchical structure, such as"Can You".
Incorporated the XMLPacket features into the XMLPacketMaker class. Now reads simple parameter values from XML into the hash map.
Created the XMLPacket class. This uses a hash map to store and access values by key strings.
Oops, the wrong file was uploaded ;-) This entry now reflects the previous change.
Minor changes with respect to coding specifications.
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