Added some echo's to the go file and some minor changes to XMLPacketParser
Changed a lot of parts of UDPReader, UDPReaderThread, XMLPacketMaker, XMLPacketParser and XMLSender so that they all work together. XMLSender is just a summy program to send UDP data to the UDPReader.
Added a new class - This new class looks after the SAX parsing methods which are used to create our XMLPacket contents. The XMLPacketMaker class has also been altered to make use of the XMLPacketParser class. The XMLPacketMaker class now accepts a String argument in its constructor. It uses the XMLPacketParser to populate the XMLPacket, for which the XMLPacketMaker provides an accessor.
This form allows you to request diffs between any two revisions of this file. For each of the two "sides" of the diff, select a symbolic revision name using the selection box, or choose 'Use Text Field' and enter a numeric revision.