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Revision: 1.1
Committed: Tue Nov 28 00:14:21 2000 UTC (23 years, 9 months ago) by tdb
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Basic draft of the coding standards. DOC -> TXT from a previous document.

File Contents

# Content
1 Coding Standards
2 ================
4 tdb1, 28/11/20000
7 Document description
8 ====================
10 The purpose of this document is to provide a defined
11 standard to which all code will conform. This will ensure
12 consistency across all files, and allow all members of the
13 team to easily follow the different pieces written by other
14 members.
17 Contents
18 ========
20 - Foreword
22 - Structure & Layout
24 - Identifiers
25 - Final Variables
26 - Indentation and Layout
27 - Bracketing
28 - Exceptions
29 - Access Control
30 - Imports
31 - Overall Class Layout
33 - Naming Conventions
35 - Commenting & Documentation
37 - Class and Interfaces
38 - Methods
39 - Attributes and Variables
40 - General Commenting
42 - General Recommendations
44 - Threading
45 - Class Design
46 - Platform
49 Foreword
50 ========
52 In constructing this document I have heavily used content
53 found in the following documents. I have tried to use these
54 documents to give our Coding Standard a solid foundation,
55 without doing a lot of unnecessary work that has already
56 been done by these authors.
58 The majority of this document is taken from the book by
59 David Barnes, with the other two just being used for small
60 parts which David hasn't covered in as much detail.
62 Java Stylistic Conventions, by David Barnes
64 Draft Java Coding Standard, by Doug Lea
66 Netscape's Java Coding Standards Guide
67 ...
68 ... /technote/java/codestyle.html
71 Structure & Layout
72 ==================
74 Identifiers
75 -----------
77 Identifiers can come down to simple imagination, and there
78 isn't a right or wrong way of doing it. The only restriction
79 is that they should be descriptive and of a reasonable
80 length. A variable name should have a single use and a name
81 fitting to this use, rather than using a single
82 non-descriptive name for multiple purposes.
84 A common convention is that names of methods, attributes,
85 and variables should begin with an initial lower-case letter
86 and have a single upper-case letter at the start of each new
87 word within the name. Class names should begin with an
88 uppercase letter and follow the same rule for the start of
89 each new word. Examples of these could be:
91 myVariable
92 aClassAttribute
94 aUsefulMethod()
96 CleverClassName
98 Accessor and Mutators should have names based on the
99 attribute to which they provide access. They should begin
100 with the prefix get or set followed by the name of the
101 attribute beginning with a capital letter. For example the
102 variable item would have the following accessor and mutator:
104 getItem()
105 setItem()
107 Variable names with a single character, such as x, should be
108 avoided as they convey little about their use. The only
109 exception to this rule is when it is used as a loop-control
110 variable in a for-loop. In this instance the variable serves
111 only as a counter, and this is obvious from it's use.
113 Method variables are those used within a method and should
114 be used in preference to an attribute if their use is to be
115 short. They should be defined as close to their use as
116 possible to make code easier to follow. Use should be made
117 of the fact that variables defined within nested blocks are
118 only visible within the block of code, and thus is only
119 visible to it's related code.
121 Final Variables
122 ---------------
124 It is important to avoid the use of magic numbers within the
125 code. The main reason for this is that it can be hard to
126 identify which numbers should be changed if the use of the
127 program needs to be altered. Instead a final variable should
128 be defined in the program:
130 private final int ST = 2;
131 private final int E = 3;
132 private final int S = 1;
134 The only time when magic numbers are acceptable is when they
135 are used as a variable initialiser or as a simple step.
136 Sometimes final variables are needed by more than one class,
137 in which case they should be defined as public static final
138 instead. These types of variables with public visibility
139 should be placed at the start of the class definition
141 Final variables should also have all upper-case names, thus
142 making them clearly identifiable over class attributes. The
143 use of the final word will also dictate that they cannot be
144 changed, so accessor's and mutator's are not necessary.
146 Indentation and Layout
147 ----------------------
149 Lines should be kept to a sensible length to make the code
150 easier to read and print. Lines should be broken at a
151 sensible point and indented further than the current level
152 of identation. If space permits they should be lined up as
153 appropriate with the previous line:
155 private static final byte[] packet = { Datatypes.FLAG,
156 Datatypes.TERM,
157 Datatypes.FLAG,
158 };
160 Indentation should be four spaces for each level, and single
161 blank lines should be used to separate methods and to
162 emphasize blocks of code, as in this example:
164 class MyExample {
166 public int returnValue(int x){
167 return x;
168 }
170 }
172 Methods should be defined first in a class, preferably in
173 order of visibility - public methods first, private ones
174 after. Attributes should be defined after methods for the
175 class, exception for public final variables which should be
176 defined first. This will be discussed further in Overall
177 Class Layout later on in this document.
179 Bracketing
180 ----------
182 Brackets are very common in Java code and can be used
183 sensibly to clearly show the blocks of code they
184 encapsulate. An opening curly bracket that follows a class
185 header should be indented by a single space, but those used
186 after a method header should not. Closing curly brackets
187 should be placed on the line after the last line of the code
188 they enclose, at the same level of indentation as the start
189 of the header on which the block begins:
191 class MyExample {
192 public void method(){
193 . . .
194 }
195 }
197 Curly brackets should always be used for if-, while- and
198 for-, even when not strictly needed - such as when the body
199 only contains a single statement. This is the correct way to
200 do it:
202 if(x > largest){
203 largest = x;
204 }
206 Sometimes statements within normal brackets need to be
207 broken across several lines. This break should occur after
208 an operator and the next line should be indented further
209 than the code which will follow in the body.
211 Exceptions
212 ----------
214 Exceptions should be used where necessary, and these should
215 almost always be checked exceptions. Instead of throwing the
216 basic Exception classes, sub-classes should be made with
217 more meaningful names, although they need not provide any
218 further functionality. Appropriate catch statements should
219 be put in place to allow the program to recover if need be.
221 Access Control
222 --------------
224 The following rules should be adhered to, ensuring that
225 access control is correctly implemented and used.
227 - Attributes of an object should be declared as private,
228 rather than public, package or protected. The only
229 exception is in the use of static final variables which
230 cannot be changed anyway.
232 - Accessors may be used to grant access to attributes of a
233 primitive type, although much more care must be taken
234 when returning references to attributes of object types
235 since this could lead to possible bypassing of any
236 mutators.
238 - Mutators should be protected unless they specifically
239 need to be public. A mutator can ensure that values are
240 checked before being put in to the private attribute.
242 - Methods commonly have public access, although private
243 access should be considered if the method is to be used
244 only by the class in which it is placed.
246 - Package visibility should also be considered if the use
247 of packages is implemented. Again, each method's use
248 should be considered carefully, and an appropriate
249 access control method chosen.
251 - Protected visibility is unlikely to be used as sub-
252 classing any of the classes is unlikely, although if
253 such a situation should arise it should be carefully
254 considered.
256 When considering what type of access control to use it is
257 best to be more restrictive than lenient. If a method's
258 visibility is too restrictive then it will be identified
259 more quickly than if the reverse were to happen.
261 Imports
262 -------
264 The use if the * form of import should be avoided. Each
265 class should be specifically imported as required, and any
266 unused imports should be removed if they are no longer
267 needed. This makes it clear as to exactly what the class is
268 using.
271 Overall Class Layout
272 --------------------
274 The overall layout of a class is important, especially when
275 it comes to reviewing the code at a later stage. Here I will
276 outline the order in which methods and attributes should
277 appear in a class. This psuedo class shows where everything
278 should appear, including imports and package declarations.
279 Commenting will be dealt with in a further section.
281 // package declaration
282 package server
283 // imports
284 import java.util.LinkedList
285 import
287 class MyDummyClass {
289 // attributes such as "magic numbers" should be first
290 public static final int S = 1;
291 public static final int E = 3;
293 // no-args constructor first
294 public MyDummyClass(){
295 . . .
296 }
298 // further constructors follow
299 public MyDummyClass(int x){
300 . . .
301 }
303 // public methods
304 public void myMethod(){
305 . . .
306 }
308 // private methods
309 private void anotherMethod(){
310 . . .
311 }
313 // accessors & mutators
314 public int getMyVar(){
315 . . .
316 }
318 // private attributes
319 private int myVar = 5;
320 }
322 This layout should be followed in every source file
323 generated. The reason for this structure is that reading
324 downwards you reach the most used methods and attributes
325 first. The exception are the public static final attributes
326 which are put first to allow them to easily be identified
327 and changed at a later date.
329 Naming Conventions
330 ------------------
332 Although this section has been covered throughout the last
333 section, I think it is key that the various naming
334 conventions be clearly identified here. Examples are given
335 for each convention.
337 - Packages
338 eg. demo.package
339 Package names should all be in lower case.
341 - Files
342 eg.
343 The Java convention is that files have the same name
344 as the class they contain, and the compiler enforces
345 this.
347 - Classes
348 eg. ClassName
349 Class names should begin with a capital letter and
350 each new word within the name should begin with a
351 capital letter.
353 - Exception Classes
354 eg. ClassNameException
355 Exception classes should follow the same rule as
356 normal classes, but should end with the word
357 Exception.
359 - Constants or "magic numbers" (public)
361 These public static variables should always be in
362 upper-case. An underscore could be used if required to
363 make the name more readable.
365 - Methods
366 eg. methodName()
367 Methods should begin with a lower case letter and each
368 new word within the name should begin with a capital
369 letter.
371 - Variables and Attributes
372 eg. variableName
373 Both variables and attributes should being with a
374 lower case letter and each new word within the name
375 should begin with a capital letter - exactly the same
376 as methods.
378 - Accessors
379 eg. getVariable()
380 Accessors should follow the same rules as a normal
381 method, but should be named after the variable which
382 they provide access to.
384 - Mutators
385 eg. setVariable(...)
386 Mutators should follow the same rules as a normal
387 method, but should be named after the variable to
388 which they control access.
391 Commenting & Documentation
392 ==========================
394 All programs should be properly and thoroughly documented.
395 The javadoc tool provides a convention for documenting code
396 and facilitates the automatic generation of program
397 documentation.
399 Classes and Interfaces
400 ----------------------
402 Each class should have a javadoc comment block at the start
403 of the code. This block of comment should be placed in the
404 standard javadoc style /** .. **/ immediately preceding the
405 class header. Package declarations and imports will appear
406 before this initial documentation. Within this section the
407 following items should be included:
409 - Class Name
410 - Description of the class and it's use
411 - Revision History
412 - Author(s) - javadoc tag
413 - Version Number - javadoc tag
415 It is important to note that as well as the code being read
416 by hand, these comments will also be used to generate
417 information about the class on a webpage using javadoc.
418 Bearing this in mind it may be necessary to use HTML tags to
419 layout the comments, although these should be neatly done so
420 as not to make the comments unreadable in the source code.
422 Various javadoc tags should be used to give specific
423 information to the javadoc engine. These should be placed on
424 a separate line.
426 - @author <author name>
427 The name of the author, preferably with e-mail address.
429 - @version <version number>
430 The version number of the code, with date.
432 This is an example of a class header, which contains all of
433 the above items.
435 /**
436 * MyClass <br>
437 *
438 * This class is merely for illustrative purposes. <br>
439 *
440 * Revision History:<br>
441 * 1.1 - Added javadoc headers <br>
442 * 1.0 - Original release<br>
443 *
444 * @author T.D.Bishop
445 * @version 1.1, 19/04/2000
446 */
447 public class MyClass {
448 . . .
449 }
451 Methods
452 -------
454 Methods should contain a similar javadoc comment to classes,
455 which should be places between /** .. **/ marks immediately
456 preceding the method header. It may not be necessary to do
457 this for all methods, but constructors and major methods
458 certainly should have them, whilst accessors and mutators
459 can have a more cut down version. The following items should
460 be included:
462 - Purpose of method
463 - Argument descriptions
464 - Result descriptions
465 - Exceptions thrown
467 There are also javadoc tags that can be used specifically
468 for method comments. In a similar way to class comments each
469 begins with an @ and should be placed on a line of it's own.
471 - @param <param name> <param description>
472 Should be specified for each parameter that a method
473 takes, with it's name and purpose.
475 - @return <description>
476 Describes the result returned by the method.
478 - @throws <exception name> <reason for being thrown>
479 Gives the name of any exceptions that may be thrown, and
480 why.
482 Here is an example of a method header, showing the above in
483 use.
485 /**
486 * This method has no use, and it just illustrative. <br>
487 * Although it does suggest adding the two parameters
488 * together ! <br>
489 *
490 * @param first The first number to be added
491 * @param second The second number to be added
492 * @return The sum of the two parameters
493 * @throws BadException if something goes very wrong !
494 */
495 public int sumNumbers(int first, int second) throws
496 BadException{
497 . . .
498 }
500 Attributes and Variables
501 ------------------------
503 Attributes and variables require far less commenting than
504 classes and methods. They should simply contain a brief
505 description of what they are used for, and could possibly
506 refer to any accessors or mutators that allow access to
507 them. Attributes that are public static final should have a
508 bit more detailed information as other classes may wish to
509 use them. Here is a basic example:
511 /**
512 * This attribute represents the byte value used to start
513 * a packet.
514 */
515 public static final int ST = 2;
518 General Commenting
519 ------------------
521 It is often necessary to add comments within the body of a
522 method. It is preferable to comment in blocks, rather than
523 individually on each line. Likewise it is not necessary to
524 comment code that is obvious in it's purpose. Both single
525 line comments (using //) and multi-line comments (using /*
526 .. */) are acceptable. This is an example of the layout of
527 the two methods:
529 int index = 1; // index of starting point
531 /* This is a mult-line
532 * comment, and spans
533 * several lines !
534 */
537 General Recommendations
538 =======================
540 Threading
541 ---------
543 Threading is a complicated issue, so I will only briefly
544 mention it. The main issue is using the synchronized
545 modifier to prevent deadlock over the system when accessing
546 shared objects. It is important not to overuse this, as it
547 can cause unnecessary deadlock. Use it only when there is a
548 clear need to do so.
550 Class Design
551 ------------
553 Class design should be done in a way that reduces coupling
554 as far as possible. Simply dividing the overall system into
555 clear defined parts is a good way to start this.
557 Platform
558 --------
560 This document refers to the Java 2 platform (or JDK 1.2).
561 Everything mentioned in this document is based upon this
562 platform and may therefore be out of date in future versions
563 of the Java platform.