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Revision: 1.14
Committed: Sat Apr 16 16:02:18 2005 UTC (19 years, 10 months ago) by tdb
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.13: +2 -2 lines
Error occurred while calculating annotation data.
Log Message:
Better use of ssh - use -N rather than sleep.

File Contents

# Content
1 # Initial Conient configuration
2 #
3 # $Id: default.conf,v 1.13 2005/04/16 15:08:00 tdb Exp $
5 # The friendly name of this client
6 # used to identify our connection to the server
7 #
8 # you can modify this to represent any client
9 # configuration names in the server configuration
10 #
11 clientname=Conient
13 # the default i-scream server to connect to
14 #
17 # the default port which the i-scream server will
18 # talk to i-scream clients on
19 #
20 control.port=4510
22 # start the control channel by default?
23 # un-comment this line to autoconnect on startup
24 #
25 control.onstartconnect=0
27 # start the data channel by default?
28 # un-comment this line to autoconnect on startup
29 #
30 data.onstartconnect=0
32 # the command to run in order to connect into
33 # the firewall. %SERVER% should appear where
34 # the name of the i-scream server should be inserted
35 # and %PORT% should appear where the name of the i-scream
36 # server port should appear.
37 #
38 # This command should open up a pipe without need for
39 # ANY user input as it will be run in the background!
40 #
41 # Typically ssh is a good choice!
42 #
43 # if you do NOT wish to use this command, and simply
44 # connect direct, just comment this line
45 #
46 useFirewall=0
47 firewall.command=ssh -N -L%PORT%:%SERVER%:%PORT%
49 # the time in seconds to wait for the firewall.command to
50 # finish executing and thus start up the pipe
51 #
52 # the default is 5 seconds
53 #
54 firewall.commandwait=5
56 # the name of the local machine used to connect to
57 # if you going to connect into a firewall
58 #
59 # if this line is not here or commented
60 # but you are using the firewall options,
61 # it assumes "localhost".
62 #
63 firewall.server=localhost
65 # display extra data given by a host
66 # uncomment the following
67 displayExtraData=0
69 # display server queue information
70 # uncomment the following
71 displayQueueInformation=0
73 # debugging, dumps the raw xml pairs to system.out
74 # uncomment the following
75 packetDump=0
77 # Turns on host discovery
78 hostDiscoveryMode=1
80 # the queue size for the data queue
81 dataQueueSize=500