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Comparing projects/cms/source/conient/uk/org/iscream/cms/conient/ (file contents):
Revision 1.3 by ajm, Sun Jan 14 23:14:35 2001 UTC vs.
Revision 1.35 by tdb, Fri Jan 31 17:05:50 2003 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1 + /*
2 + * i-scream central monitoring system
3 + *
4 + * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 i-scream
5 + *
6 + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8 + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 + *
11 + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 + * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 + *
16 + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
19 + */
20 +
22 + package;
24   //---IMPORTS---
25   import javax.swing.*;
26   import javax.swing.border.*;
6 import java.awt.Color;
27   import java.awt.*;
28   import java.awt.event.*;
10 import*;
11 import*;
12 import java.util.Date;
13 import java.text.DateFormat;
14 import java.util.Locale;
30   /**
31 > * This is the main class of the Conient client.
32   *
33 + * This sets up the control panel, the data panel
34 + * and its own display.
35 + *
36   * @author  $Author$
37   * @version $Id$
38   */
39 < public class SwingClient extends JFrame implements Runnable {
39 > public class Conient extends JFrame {
# Line 27 | Line 44 | public class SwingClient extends JFrame implements Run
44       * The current CVS revision of this class
45       */
46      public final String REVISION = "$Revision$";
47 +
48 +    /**
49 +     * The initial width of the window
50 +     */        
51 +    private final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 700;
53 <    private final int width = 300;
54 <    private final int height = 700;
53 >    /**
54 >     * The initial height of the window
55 >     */
56 >    private final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 600;
58 +    /**
59 +     * The default configuration fle
60 +     * This can be specified on the command line
61 +     */
62 +    public static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = "./etc/default.conf";
63 +    
64 +    /**
65 +     * The time in seconds to display the splash
66 +     * screen for
67 +     */
68 +    public static final int DISPLAY_SPLASH_TIME_SECONDS = 3;
69 +    
70   //---STATIC METHODS---
72 +    /**
73 +     * The first method that is called.
74 +     * Sets up the various panels
75 +     *
76 +     * @param args the command line arguments
77 +     */
78      public static void main(String[] args) {
79 <        try {
80 <            String host = args[0];
81 <            int port = 4510;
82 <            Socket socket = new Socket(host, port);
83 <            BufferedReader inBound = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
84 <            PrintWriter outBound = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream());
85 <            DataReader data = new DataReader(inBound);
79 >        // get the host from the command line if they gave it
80 >        String host = null;
81 >        String configFile = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE;
82 >        if (args.length == 1) {
83 >            configFile = args[0];
84 >        }
85 >
86 >        // start the configuration system
87 >        Configuration.initialise(configFile);
88 >
89 >        // the data display panel
90 >        DataPanel data = new DataPanel();
92 <            SwingClient cli = new SwingClient(data);
93 <            Thread cliThread = new Thread(cli);
94 <            cliThread.start();
95 <        } catch (Exception e) {
96 <            System.err.println("ERROR: " + e);
97 <        }  
92 >        // the control panel
93 >        ControlPanel control = new ControlPanel(data);
94 >        
95 >        // the main frame (passed the two panels)
96 >        Conient client = new Conient(data, control);
97 >        conientFrame = (Frame) client;
98 >        Conient.addMessage("Conient {an i-scream Client} (c) 2001 The i-scream Project (");
99 >
100 >        Conient.addMessage("Conient ready.");
101 >        
102      }
104 +    /**
105 +     * A static accessor, allowing components of the system
106 +     * to get hold of the root frame of the system.
107 +     *
108 +     * see conientFrame attribute for details.
109 +     *
110 +     * @return the root Conient frame
111 +     */
112 +    public static Frame getFrame() {
113 +        return conientFrame;
114 +    }
115 +    
116   //---CONSTRUCTORS---
118      /**
119 <     * Creates a new Swing Client.
119 >     * Creates a new Swing Client Frame
120       */
121 <    public SwingClient(DataReader data) {
59 <        _data = data;
121 >    private Conient(JSplitPane data, ControlPanel control) {
122          // set up the Frame
123 <        setTitle("I-Scream Client");
124 <        setSize(width, height);
125 <        setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
64 <        Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
65 <
66 <        // create the i-scream logo at the top
67 <        JLabel iscream = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("i-scream.gif"));
68 <        JLabel comment = new JLabel("   I-Scream Client");
69 <        comment.setForeground( new Color(0, 0, 102));
70 <        Box header = Box.createHorizontalBox();
71 <        header.add(comment);
72 <        header.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue());
73 <        header.add(iscream);
123 >        super("Conient {an i-scream Client}");
124 >        setSize(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
125 >        setJMenuBar(control.getMenuBar());
127 <        ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("server.gif");
128 <        JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
129 <        JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
130 <        mainPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(21, 1));
127 >        // set what happens when the X in the corner is clicked        
128 >        addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
129 >            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}
130 >        });
132 <        JPanel panel1 = makeTextPanel("Machine Name : ", _machine_name);
133 <        JPanel panel2 = makeTextPanel("IP : ", _ip);
134 <        JPanel panel3 = makeTextPanel("Date : ", _date);
135 <        JPanel panel4 = makeTextPanel("Sequence Number : ", _seq_no);
84 <        JPanel panel5 = makeTextPanel("Host Time : ", _sTime);
85 <        JPanel panel6 = makeTextPanel("Load Average (1 min) : ", _load_load1);
86 <        JPanel panel7 = makeTextPanel("Load Average (5 min) : ", _load_load5);
87 <        JPanel panel8 = makeTextPanel("Load Average (15 min) : ", _load_load15);
88 <        JPanel panel9 = makeTextPanel("Processes Total : ", _processes_total);
89 <        JPanel panel10 = makeTextPanel("Processes Sleeping : ", _processes_sleeping);
90 <        JPanel panel11 = makeTextPanel("Processes Zombie : ", _processes_zombie);
91 <        JPanel panel12 = makeTextPanel("Processes Stopped : ", _processes_stopped);
92 <        JPanel panel13 = makeTextPanel("CPU % idle : ", _cpu_idle);
93 <        JPanel panel14 = makeTextPanel("CPU % user : ", _cpu_user);
94 <        JPanel panel15 = makeTextPanel("CPU % kernel : ", _cpu_kernel);
95 <        JPanel panel16 = makeTextPanel("CPU % i/o wait : ", _cpu_iowait);
96 <        JPanel panel17 = makeTextPanel("CPU % swapping : ", _cpu_swap);
97 <        JPanel panel18 = makeTextPanel("Real Memory : ", _memory_real);
98 <        JPanel panel19 = makeTextPanel("Real Free : ", _memory_free);
99 <        JPanel panel20 = makeTextPanel("Swap in use : ", _memory_swapinuse);
100 <        JPanel panel21 = makeTextPanel("Swap free : ", _memory_swapfree);
101 <        mainPanel.add(panel1);
102 <        mainPanel.add(panel2);
103 <        mainPanel.add(panel3);
104 <        mainPanel.add(panel4);
105 <        mainPanel.add(panel5);
106 <        mainPanel.add(panel6);
107 <        mainPanel.add(panel7);
108 <        mainPanel.add(panel8);
109 <        mainPanel.add(panel9);
110 <        mainPanel.add(panel10);
111 <        mainPanel.add(panel11);
112 <        mainPanel.add(panel12);
113 <        mainPanel.add(panel13);
114 <        mainPanel.add(panel14);
115 <        mainPanel.add(panel15);
116 <        mainPanel.add(panel16);
117 <        mainPanel.add(panel17);
118 <        mainPanel.add(panel18);
119 <        mainPanel.add(panel19);
120 <        mainPanel.add(panel20);
121 <        mainPanel.add(panel21);
122 <        
123 <        tabbedPane.addTab("Raptor", icon, mainPanel, "Monitor");
124 <        
125 <        tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0);
132 >        // add the control pane to the top border
133 >        getContentPane().add(control, "North");
134 >        // add the data pane to the centre        
135 >        getContentPane().add(data);
137 <        // build the frame
138 <        box.add(header);
139 <        box.add(tabbedPane);
140 <        getContentPane().add(box);
137 >        // setup the status panel        
138 >        JPanel bottom = new JPanel();
139 >        bottom.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
140 >        _messages.setEditable(false);
141 >        _messages.setRows(3);
142 >        JScrollPane messagesPane = new JScrollPane(_messages);
143 >        messagesPane.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new LineBorder(new Color(0, 0, 102)), " Messages "));
144 >        bottom.add(messagesPane, "Center");
145 >        JPanel statusPanel = new JPanel();
146 >        JPanel linkPanel = new JPanel();
147 >        linkPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));
148 >        linkPanel.add(_controlStatus);
149 >        linkPanel.add(_dataStatus);
150 >        statusPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1));
151 >        statusPanel.add(linkPanel);
152 >        statusPanel.add(_queueStatus);
153 >        bottom.add(statusPanel, "South");
155 <        // show the window
156 <        show();
157 <    }
155 >        // add the status panel to the bottom border
156 >        getContentPane().add(bottom, "South");
157 >        
158 >        // a nice icon for the window
159 >        setIconImage((new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/resources/server.gif"))).getImage());
161 < //---PUBLIC METHODS---
162 <
163 <    public void run() {
161 >        // and just because we can, a silly splash screen
162 >        // of the dudes that did this funky jibble
163 >        Splash splash = new Splash();
164 >;
165 >        // wait
166          try {
167 <        _data.start();
168 <        while(true) {
169 <            synchronized (_data) {
143 <                _data.wait();
144 <            }
145 <            String xml = _data.getXML();
146 <            if (xml == null) {
147 <                // nothing
148 <            } else {
149 <            
150 <            // Get a string without any null characters in it.
151 <            //  -- maybe String.trim() would be better here ?
152 <            if (xml.indexOf(0) != -1) {
153 <                xml = xml.substring(0, xml.indexOf(0));
154 <            }
155 <            else {
156 <                xml = xml.substring(0, xml.length());
157 <            }
158 <            
159 <            // Use XMLPacketMaker to make an XMLPacket object.
160 <            XMLPacketMaker xmlPacketMaker = new XMLPacketMaker(xml);
161 <            XMLPacket packet = xmlPacketMaker.createXMLPacket();
162 <            
163 <            _machine_name.setText(packet.getParam("packet.attributes.machine_name"));
164 <            _ip.setText(packet.getParam("packet.attributes.ip"));
165 <            _date.setText(DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.MEDIUM).format(new Date(Long.parseLong(packet.getParam("")))));
166 <            _seq_no.setText(packet.getParam("packet.attributes.seq_no"));
167 <            
168 <            _sTime.setText(packet.getParam("packet.sTime"));
169 <            
170 <            _load_load1.setText(packet.getParam("packet.load.load1"));
171 <            _load_load5.setText(packet.getParam("packet.load.load5"));
172 <            _load_load15.setText(packet.getParam("packet.load.load15"));
173 <            
174 <            _processes_total.setText(packet.getParam(""));
175 <            _processes_sleeping.setText(packet.getParam("packet.processes.sleeping"));
176 <            _processes_zombie.setText(packet.getParam("packet.processes.zombie"));
177 <            _processes_stopped.setText(packet.getParam("packet.processes.stopped"));
178 <            
179 <            _cpu_idle.setString(packet.getParam("packet.cpu.idle") + "%");
180 <            _cpu_idle.setValue(new Double(packet.getParam("packet.cpu.idle")).intValue());
181 <            _cpu_user.setString(packet.getParam("packet.cpu.user") + "%");
182 <            _cpu_user.setValue(new Double(packet.getParam("packet.cpu.user")).intValue());
183 <            _cpu_kernel.setString(packet.getParam("packet.cpu.kernel") + "%");
184 <            _cpu_kernel.setValue(new Double(packet.getParam("packet.cpu.kernel")).intValue());
185 <            _cpu_iowait.setString(packet.getParam("packet.cpu.iowait") + "%");
186 <            _cpu_iowait.setValue(new Double(packet.getParam("packet.cpu.iowait")).intValue());
187 <            _cpu_swap.setString(packet.getParam("packet.cpu.swap") + "%");
188 <            _cpu_swap.setValue(new Double(packet.getParam("packet.cpu.swap")).intValue());
189 <            
190 <            _memory_real.setText(packet.getParam("packet.memory.real"));
191 <            _memory_free.setText(packet.getParam(""));
192 <            _memory_swapinuse.setText(packet.getParam("packet.memory.swapinuse"));
193 <            _memory_swapfree.setText(packet.getParam("packet.memory.swapfree"));
194 <            }
167 >            Thread.sleep(DISPLAY_SPLASH_TIME_SECONDS * 1000);
168 >        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
169 >            // don't do anything, we don't care
170          }
171 <        } catch (Exception e) {
172 <            System.err.println("ERROR: " + e);
173 <        }
171 >        //loose the window
172 >        splash.dispose();
173 >        splash = null;        
174 >        // show the main window
175 >        show();
176      }
178 + //---PUBLIC METHODS---
179 +
180   //---PRIVATE METHODS---
181 +
183 +
184 +    /**
185 +     * Sets the control link status.
186 +     *
187 +     * @param status the message
188 +     */
189 +    public static void setControlStatus(String status) {
190 +        _controlStatus.setText("Control Link: " + status);
191 +        _controlStatus.repaint();
192 +    }
194 <    protected JPanel makeTextPanel(String text, Component item) {
195 <        JPanel panel = new JPanel(false);
196 <        JLabel label = new JLabel(text);
197 <        label.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.RIGHT);
198 <        //item.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.LEFT);
199 <        panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
200 <        panel.add(label);
201 <        panel.add(item);
211 <        return panel;
194 >    /**
195 >     * Sets the data link status.
196 >     *
197 >     * @param status the message
198 >     */
199 >    public static void setDataStatus(String status) {
200 >        _dataStatus.setText("Data Link: " + status);
201 >        _dataStatus.repaint();
202      }
204 +    /**
205 +     * Updates the queue status.
206 +     *
207 +     * @param currentQueue
208 +     * @param numElements
209 +     */
210 +    public static void setQueueStatus(int currentQueue, int numElements) {
211 +        _queueStatus.setText("Data Queue : " + currentQueue + " Packets Recieved : " + numElements);
212 +        _queueStatus.repaint();
213 +    }
215 >    /**
216 >     * Adds a system message to the messages list
217 >     *
218 >     * @param message the new message
219 >     */
220 >    public static void addMessage(String message) {
221 >        _messages.insert(message + "\n", 0);
222 >    }
224   //---ATTRIBUTES---
219    JLabel _machine_name = new JLabel();
220    JLabel _ip = new JLabel();
221    JLabel _date = new JLabel();
222    JLabel _seq_no = new JLabel();
226 <    JLabel _sTime = new JLabel();
228 <    JLabel _load_load1 = new JLabel();
229 <    JLabel _load_load5 = new JLabel();
230 <    JLabel _load_load15 = new JLabel();
231 <    
230 <    JLabel _processes_total = new JLabel();
231 <    JLabel _processes_sleeping = new JLabel();
232 <    JLabel _processes_zombie = new JLabel();
233 <    JLabel _processes_stopped = new JLabel();
234 <    
235 <    int min = 0;
236 <    int max = 100;
237 <    JProgressBar _cpu_idle = new JProgressBar(JProgressBar.HORIZONTAL, min, max);
228 >    /**
229 >     * Displays information about the data link
230 >     */
231 >    static JLabel _controlStatus = new JLabel("Control Link: Disconnected", JLabel.LEFT);
232      {
233 <        _cpu_idle.setStringPainted(true);
233 >        _controlStatus.setBorder(new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.LOWERED));
234      }
235 <    JProgressBar _cpu_user = new JProgressBar(JProgressBar.HORIZONTAL, min, max);
235 >    
236 >    /**
237 >     * Displays information about the data link
238 >     */
239 >    static JLabel _dataStatus = new JLabel("Data Link: Disconnected", JLabel.LEFT);
240      {
241 <        _cpu_user.setStringPainted(true);
241 >        _dataStatus.setBorder(new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.LOWERED));
242      }
243 <    JProgressBar _cpu_kernel = new JProgressBar(JProgressBar.HORIZONTAL, min, max);
243 >    
244 >    /**
245 >     * Displays information about the inbound data queue.
246 >     */
247 >    static JLabel _queueStatus = new JLabel(" ", JLabel.LEFT);
248      {
249 <        _cpu_kernel.setStringPainted(true);
249 >        _queueStatus.setBorder(new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.LOWERED));
250      }
251 <    JProgressBar _cpu_iowait = new JProgressBar(JProgressBar.HORIZONTAL, min, max);
251 >    
252 >    /**
253 >     * The place where system messages are written.
254 >     */
255 >    static JTextArea _messages = new JTextArea();
256      {
257 <        _cpu_iowait.setStringPainted(true);
257 >        _messages.setLineWrap(true);
258      }
253    JProgressBar _cpu_swap = new JProgressBar(JProgressBar.HORIZONTAL, min, max);
254    {
255        _cpu_swap.setStringPainted(true);
256    }
260 <    JLabel _memory_real = new JLabel();
261 <    JLabel _memory_free = new JLabel();
262 <    JLabel _memory_swapinuse = new JLabel();
263 <    JLabel _memory_swapfree = new JLabel();
264 <    DataReader _data;
260 >    /**
261 >     * Holds a reference to the root frame for Conient
262 >     * This is only used by dialogs (specifically the configurationn
263 >     * dialog) so that it can be modal, please use the accessor.
264 >     */
265 >    private static Frame conientFrame;
268 <    
269 < }
267 > //---INNER CLASSES----
268 >
269 >    /**
270 >     * An inner class to display a splash screen
271 >     */
272 >    private class Splash extends JWindow {
273 >        
274 >        /**
275 >         * Constructs a new splash screen
276 >         */
277 >        public Splash() {
278 >            setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR));
279 >            JPanel splash = new JPanel();
280 >            splash.setBackground(;
281 >            JLabel image = new JLabel((new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/resources/i-scream-splash.gif"))));
282 >            splash.add(image);
283 >            setContentPane(splash);
284 >            Dimension screen = getToolkit().getScreenSize();
285 >            pack();
286 >            setLocation((screen.width - getSize().width) / 2,
287 >                        (screen.height - getSize().height) / 2);
288 >            
289 >            
290 >        }
291 >    }
292 > }

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