Corbaservices install prefix didn't install the new and didn't create a web directory.
Added install target for util package. Removed duplicates copies of the COPYING (GPL License) file.
Missed a closing bracket in the install target.
More fixes - bits of stuff sneaking through from the server again.
Bring the new Makefile structure to the corba services package. I'm sure I've missed something in here too :-)
Improved the javadoc generation in the Makefile setup. Now matches the ANT javadoc output. Also added links to external javadoc (such as pircbot) to make the pages more complete.
Changed some static references to "build" to $(BUILD), and made the install target fully install :) (was missing out etc)
Package structure has been changed from;* to;* This is in keeping with the rest of the central monitoring system server. It may be possible to change this back at some date, if the corbaservices really becomes a completely standalone application. At the moment, however, it's too suited to just doing the job required of it by the cms server, rather than as a general purpose application.
Our logo is now on the javadoc pages.
Changed package structure from; to;
Set the path of CVS explictly.
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