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Revision: 1.17
Committed: Tue Feb 27 19:14:26 2001 UTC (23 years, 8 months ago) by pjm2
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.16: +10 -2 lines
Log Message:
Updated to comply with the new FilterManger configuration protocol.
Namely, the ihost now also sends "FQDN" to the server to request its fully
qualified domain name.  This simplifies the task of writing hosts as it no
longer means that the host has to work out its own machine name (which is
sometimes a non-trivial task on certain platforms)

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 pjm2 1.6 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 pjm2 1.1
3     # -----------------------------------------------------------
4     # Perl i-scream Host.
5 pjm2 1.12 #
6 pjm2 1.1 #
7     # An all-in-one script to act as an i-scream host on
8     # a typical Unix/Linux box. You may adapt the data-gathering
9     # methods as you see fit.
10     # -
11     #
12 pjm2 1.17 # $Author: tdb1 $
13     # $Id:,v 1.16 2001/02/13 12:28:50 tdb1 Exp $
14 pjm2 1.1 #------------------------------------------------------------
16     $| = 1;
18     use strict;
19     use IO::Socket;
20     use Sys::Hostname;
22     use vars qw (
23     $filter_manager_addr
24     $filter_manager_port
25     $seq_no
26     $udp_update_time
27     $tcp_update_time
28     $last_udp_time
29     $last_tcp_time
30     $last_modified
31     $udp_port
32     $tcp_port
33     $filter_addr
34     $file_list
35 pjm2 1.17 $fqdn
36 pjm2 1.1 );
38     if (@ARGV != 2) {
39     die "Usage: [i-scream filter manager] [TCP port]\n";
40     }
42     $filter_manager_addr = $ARGV[0];
43     $filter_manager_port = $ARGV[1];
45     $seq_no = 1;
47     &tcp_configure();
48     &send_udp_packet();
50     $last_udp_time = time;
51     $last_tcp_time = time;
52     while (1) {
53 pjm2 1.9 my($time) = time;
54     if ($time >= $last_udp_time + $udp_update_time) {
55 pjm2 1.1 &send_udp_packet();
56 pjm2 1.9 $last_udp_time = $time;
57 pjm2 1.1 }
58 pjm2 1.9 if ($time >= $last_tcp_time + $tcp_update_time) {
59 pjm2 1.1 &send_tcp_heartbeat();
60 pjm2 1.9 $last_tcp_time = $time;
61 pjm2 1.1 }
62 pjm2 1.9 my($next_udp) = $udp_update_time - $time + $last_udp_time;
63     my($next_tcp) = $tcp_update_time - $time + $last_tcp_time;
64     my($delay);
65     if ($next_udp < $next_tcp) {
66     $delay = $next_udp
67     }
68     else {
69     $delay = $next_tcp;
70     }
71     `sleep $delay`;
72 pjm2 1.1 }
74     exit(0);
76 pjm2 1.12
77     #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
78     # tcp_configure
79     # Establishes a TCP connection to the specified i-scream filter manager.
80     # The host then requests details from the server, such as the intervals
81     # at which to send UDP packets.
82     #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
83 pjm2 1.1 sub tcp_configure() {
85     my($sock) = new IO::Socket::INET(
86     PeerAddr => $filter_manager_addr,
87     PeerPort => $filter_manager_port,
88     Proto => 'tcp'
89 pjm2 1.11 );
90     if (!defined $sock) {
91     print "IHOST ERROR: Could not connect to $filter_manager_addr:$filter_manager_port.\n";
92     print "Please check that there is an i-scream server at this address.\n";
93     print "Program ended.\n";
94     exit(1);
95     }
96 pjm2 1.1
97 pjm2 1.12 # Now run through the configuration process...
98 pjm2 1.1 my($response);
100     print $sock "STARTCONFIG\n";
101     $response = <$sock>;
102     if (!chop $response eq "OK") {
103     print "The i-scream server rejected the STARTCONFIG command. Terminated.";
104     exit(1);
105     }
107     print "Config started okay.\n";
109     print $sock "LASTMODIFIED\n";
110     $response = <$sock>;
111     chop $response;
112     $last_modified = $response;
114 pjm2 1.7 print "Config last modified: ". (scalar localtime $last_modified/1000) . "\n";
115 pjm2 1.1
116     print $sock "FILELIST\n";
117     $response = <$sock>;
118     chop $response;
119     $file_list = $response;
121     print "File list obtained: $file_list\n";
122 pjm2 1.17
123     print $sock "FQDN\n";
124     $response = <$sock>;
125     chop $response;
126     $fqdn = $response;
128     print "FQDN returned: $fqdn\n";
129 pjm2 1.1
130     print $sock "UDPUpdateTime\n";
131     $response = <$sock>;
132     chop $response;
133     $udp_update_time = $response;
135     print $sock "TCPUpdateTime\n";
136     $response = <$sock>;
137     chop $response;
138     $tcp_update_time = $response;
140 pjm2 1.7 print "UDP packet period: $udp_update_time seconds.\nTCP heartbeat period: $tcp_update_time seconds.\n";
141 pjm2 1.1
142     print $sock "ENDCONFIG\n";
143     $response = <$sock>;
144     chomp $response;
145     if (!$response eq "OK") {
146     print "ENDCONFIG command to server failed. Terminated.\n";
147     exit(1);
148     }
150     print "Config ended.\n";
152     print $sock "FILTER\n";
153     $response = <$sock>;
154     chop $response;
155     $response =~ /(.*);(.*);(.*)/;
156     ($filter_addr, $udp_port, $tcp_port) = ($1, $2, $3);
158     print "Got filter data ($filter_addr, $udp_port, $tcp_port)\n";
160     print $sock "END\n";
161     $response = <$sock>;
162     chop $response;
163     if ($response eq "OK") {
164     print "Host successfully configured via TCP.\n"
165     }
166     else {
167     print "The server failed the host configuration on the END command.";
168     exit(1);
169     }
171     close($sock);
173     print "Configuration finished sucessfully!\n";
174 pjm2 1.12
175     return;
176 pjm2 1.1 }
178 pjm2 1.12
181     #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
182     # send_udp_packet
183     # Sends a UDP packet to an i-scream filter.
184     # The packet contains XML markup describing some of the machine's state.
185     # Receipt of UDP packets is not guaranteed.
186     #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
187 pjm2 1.1 sub send_udp_packet() {
189     my(@statgrab) = `./`;
190     my(%packet);
191 pjm2 1.13 for (my($i) = 0; $i <= $#statgrab; $i++) {
192 pjm2 1.1 $statgrab[$i] =~ /^([^\s]*) (.*)$/;
193     $packet{$1} = $2;
194     }
196     my($date) = time;
198     my($disk_info) = "<disk>";
199     my($i) = 0;
200     while (defined $packet{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.mount"}) {
201 pjm2 1.15 $disk_info .= "<p$i";
202     $disk_info .= " name=\"" . $packet{"packet.disk.p$"} . "\"";
203     $disk_info .= " kbytes=\"" . $packet{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.kbytes"} . "\"";
204     $disk_info .= " used=\"" . $packet{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.used"} . "\"";
205     $disk_info .= " avail=\"" . $packet{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.avail"} . "\"";
206     $disk_info .= " mount=\"" . $packet{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.mount"} . "\"";
207     $disk_info .= "></p$i>";
208 pjm2 1.1 ++$i;
209     }
210     $disk_info .= "</disk>";
211 pjm2 1.13
212 pjm2 1.1 my($hostname) = hostname();
213 pjm2 1.4 $hostname =~ s/\..*$//g;
214 tdb 1.16 my($resolv) = `cat /etc/resolv.conf`;
215     my($domainname);
216     my($machine_name);
217     if($resolv =~ /domain\s+([^\s]+)/) {
218     # some machines have domain <domain> in resolv.conf
219     $domainname = $1;
220     $machine_name = "$hostname.$domainname";
221     }
222     elsif($resolv =~ /search\s+([^\s]+)/) {
223     # some machines have search <domain> in resolv.conf
224     $domainname = $1;
225     $machine_name = "$hostname.$domainname";
226     }
227     else {
228     # we can't find out the domain
229     $machine_name = $hostname;
230     }
231 pjm2 1.1 my($ip) = inet_ntoa(scalar(gethostbyname($hostname)) || 'localhost');
233     # Build the XML packet this way, as we can clearly
234     # see the structure and contents... I like this ;-)
235 pjm2 1.12 # [Note that the server rejects UDP packets that are
236     # larger than 8196 bytes]
237 pjm2 1.1 my($xml) = <<EOF;
239     <packet seq_no="$seq_no" machine_name="$machine_name" date="$date" type="data" ip="$ip">
240     <load>
241     <load1>$packet{"packet.load.load1"}</load1>
242     <load5>$packet{"packet.load.load5"}</load5>
243     <load15>$packet{"packet.load.load15"}</load15>
244     </load>
245     <os>
246     <name>$packet{""}</name>
247     <release>$packet{"packet.os.release"}</release>
248     <platform>$packet{"packet.os.platform"}</platform>
249     <sysname>$packet{"packet.os.sysname"}</sysname>
250     <version>$packet{"packet.os.version"}</version>
251 tdb 1.10 <uptime>$packet{"packet.os.uptime"}</uptime>
252 pjm2 1.1 </os>
253     <users>
254     <count>$packet{"packet.users.count"}</count>
255     <list>$packet{"packet.users.list"}</list>
256     </users>
257     <processes>
258     <total>$packet{""}</total>
259     <sleeping>$packet{"packet.processes.sleeping"}</sleeping>
260     <zombie>$packet{"packet.processes.zombie"}</zombie>
261     <stopped>$packet{"packet.processes.stopped"}</stopped>
262     <cpu>$packet{"packet.processes.cpu"}</cpu>
263     </processes>
264     <cpu>
265     <idle>$packet{"packet.cpu.idle"}</idle>
266     <user>$packet{"packet.cpu.user"}</user>
267     <kernel>$packet{"packet.cpu.kernel"}</kernel>
268     <iowait>$packet{"packet.cpu.iowait"}</iowait>
269     <swap>$packet{"packet.cpu.swap"}</swap>
270     </cpu>
271     <memory>
272 pjm2 1.13 <total>$packet{""}</total>
273 pjm2 1.1 <free>$packet{""}</free>
274     </memory>
275     <swap>
276 pjm2 1.13 <total>$packet{""}</total>
277     <free>$packet{""}</free>
278 pjm2 1.1 </swap>
279     $disk_info
280     </packet>
282     EOF
284 pjm2 1.12 # Make the packet smaller by stripping out newlines and leading spaces.
285 pjm2 1.1 $xml =~ s/\n\s*//g;
287     my($sock) = new IO::Socket::INET (
288     PeerPort => $udp_port,
289     PeerAddr => $filter_addr,
290     Proto => 'udp'
291     ) or die "Socket: $!\n";
293     print $sock $xml or die "Could not send UDP packet: $!\n";
294     close($sock);
295     $seq_no++;
296     print "-";
297 pjm2 1.12
298     return;
299 pjm2 1.1 }
301 pjm2 1.12
304     #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
305     # send_tcp_heartbeat
306     # Establishes a TCP connection to an i-scream filter.
307     # The heartbeat is used as a guaranteed "I'm alive" delivery mechanism.
308     #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
309 pjm2 1.1 sub send_tcp_heartbeat() {
311     my($sock) = new IO::Socket::INET(
312     PeerAddr => $filter_addr,
313     PeerPort => $tcp_port,
314     Proto => 'tcp'
315 pjm2 1.11 );
316     if (!defined $sock) {
317     print "IHOST WARNING: Failed to deliver a heartbeat to the i-scream filter.\n";
318     return;
319     }
320 pjm2 1.1
321     # Now run through the configuration process.
322     my($response);
324     print $sock "HEARTBEAT\n";
325     $response = <$sock>;
326     chop $response;
327     if (!$response eq "OK") {
328     close($sock);
329     print "Server gave wrong response to HEARTBEAT: $response\n";
330     return;
331     }
333     print $sock "CONFIG\n";
334     $response = <$sock>;
335     chop $response;
336     if (!$response eq "OK") {
337     close($sock);
338     print "Server gave wrong response to CONFIG: $response\n";
339     return;
340     }
342     print $sock "$file_list\n";
343     $response = <$sock>;
344     chop $response;
345     if (!$response eq "OK") {
346     close($sock);
347     print "Server gave wrong response to file list: $response\n";
348     return;
349     }
351     print $sock "$last_modified\n";
352     $response = <$sock>;
353     chop $response;
354     if ($response eq "ERROR") {
355     close($sock);
356     &tcp_configure();
357     return;
358     }
359     if (!$response eq "OK") {
360     close($sock);
361     print "Server gave wrong response to HEARTBEAT: $response\n";
362     return;
363     }
365     print $sock "ENDHEARTBEAT\n";
366     $response = <$sock>;
367     chop $response;
368     if (!$response eq "OK") {
369     close($sock);
370     print "Server gave wrong response to ENDHEARTBEAT: $response\n";
371     return;
372     }
374     close($sock);
375     print "^";
376 pjm2 1.12
377     return;
378 pjm2 1.1 }