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Comparing projects/cms/source/host/ihost-perl/ (file contents):
Revision 1.32 by pjm2, Fri Mar 16 18:25:59 2001 UTC vs.
Revision 1.47 by tdb, Thu Mar 21 17:57:13 2002 UTC

# Line 5 | Line 5
5   #
6   #
7   # An all-in-one script to act as an i-scream host on
8 < # a typical Unix/Linux box.  You may adapt the data-gathering
9 < # methods as you see fit.
10 < #  -
8 > # a typical Unix/Linux box.
9   #
10   # $Author$
11   # $Id$
# Line 35 | Line 33 | use vars qw (
33               $fqdn
34               $pidfile
35               $retry_wait
36 +             $ostype
37 +             $key
38 +             @data
39              );
41   if (@ARGV != 2) {
# Line 45 | Line 46 | $filter_manager_addr = $ARGV[0];
46   $filter_manager_port = $ARGV[1];
48   $seq_no = 1;
49 < $retry_wait = 6;
49 > $retry_wait = 60;
51 + # work out our platform, if we can.
52 + $ostype = `uname -s`;
53 + chomp $ostype;
54 + $ostype = "unknown" if not defined $ostype;
55 +
56   # write our PID to a file
57 < $pidfile = "/var/tmp/";
57 > # use home dir by default
58 > #$pidfile = $ENV{"HOME"};
59 > # or drop it in /var/tmp if we can't find HOME
60 > $pidfile = "/var/tmp" if not defined $pidfile;
61 > $pidfile .= "/";
62   &write_pid();
64   &tcp_configure();
65 + &send_tcp_heartbeat();
66   &send_udp_packet();
68   $last_udp_time = time;
# Line 75 | Line 86 | while (1) {
86      else {
87          $delay = $next_tcp;
88      }
89 <    `sleep $delay`;
89 >    sleep $delay;
90   }
92   # we'll probably never get here...
# Line 90 | Line 101 | exit(0);
101   #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
102   sub wait_then_retry() {
103      print "Will retry configuration with filter manager in $retry_wait seconds.\n";
104 <    `sleep $retry_wait`;
104 >    sleep $retry_wait;
105   }
# Line 250 | Line 261 | sub tcp_configure() {
261   }
264   #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
265   # send_udp_packet
266   # Sends a UDP packet to an i-scream filter.
# Line 260 | Line 269 | sub tcp_configure() {
269   #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
270   sub send_udp_packet() {
272 <    my(@statgrab) = `./`;
273 <    my(%packet);
274 <    for (my($i) = 0; $i <= $#statgrab; $i++) {
275 <        $statgrab[$i] =~ /^([^\s]*) (.*)$/;
276 <        $packet{$1} = $2;
272 >    my($plugins_dir) = "plugins";
273 >    
274 >    opendir PLUGINS, $plugins_dir;
275 >    my(@plugins) = readdir PLUGINS;
276 >    foreach my $plugin (@plugins) {
277 >        push @data, `$plugins_dir/$plugin $ostype` if -x "$plugins_dir/$plugin" && -f "$plugins_dir/$plugin";
278      }
280 +    # get some extra data
281      my($date) = time;
282 +    my($ip);
283 +    $ip = inet_ntoa(scalar(gethostbyname(hostname())) || 'localhost') or $ip = 'localhost';
285 <    my($disk_info) = "<disk>";
286 <    my($i) = 0;
287 <    while (defined $packet{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.mount"}) {
288 <        $disk_info .= "<p$i";
289 <        $disk_info .= " name=\"" . $packet{"packet.disk.p$"} . "\"";
290 <        $disk_info .= " kbytes=\"" . $packet{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.kbytes"} . "\"";
291 <        $disk_info .= " used=\"" . $packet{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.used"} . "\"";
279 <        $disk_info .= " avail=\"" . $packet{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.avail"} . "\"";
280 <        $disk_info .= " mount=\"" . $packet{"packet.disk.p$i.attributes.mount"} . "\"";
281 <        $disk_info .= "></p$i>";
282 <        ++$i;
283 <    }
284 <    $disk_info .= "</disk>";
285 <
286 <    my($ip) = inet_ntoa(scalar(gethostbyname(hostname())) || 'localhost');
287 <
288 <    # Build the XML packet this way, as we can clearly
289 <    # see the structure and contents... I like this ;-)
290 <    # [Note that the server rejects UDP packets that are
291 <    # larger than 8196 bytes]
292 <    my($xml) = <<EOF;
285 >    # add some extra data to the array
286 >    push(@data, "packet.attributes.seq_no $seq_no");
287 >    push(@data, "packet.attributes.machine_name $fqdn");
288 >    push(@data, " $date");
289 >    push(@data, "packet.attributes.type data");
290 >    push(@data, "packet.attributes.ip $ip");
291 >    push(@data, "packet.attributes.key $key");
293 < <packet seq_no="$seq_no" machine_name="$fqdn" date="$date" type="data" ip="$ip">
294 <    <load>
296 <        <load1>$packet{"packet.load.load1"}</load1>
297 <        <load5>$packet{"packet.load.load5"}</load5>
298 <        <load15>$packet{"packet.load.load15"}</load15>
299 <    </load>
300 <    <os>
301 <        <name>$packet{""}</name>
302 <        <release>$packet{"packet.os.release"}</release>
303 <        <platform>$packet{"packet.os.platform"}</platform>
304 <        <sysname>$packet{"packet.os.sysname"}</sysname>
305 <        <version>$packet{"packet.os.version"}</version>
306 <        <uptime>$packet{"packet.os.uptime"}</uptime>
307 <    </os>
308 <    <users>
309 <        <count>$packet{"packet.users.count"}</count>
310 <        <list>$packet{"packet.users.list"}</list>
311 <    </users>
312 <    <processes>
313 <        <total>$packet{""}</total>
314 <        <sleeping>$packet{"packet.processes.sleeping"}</sleeping>
315 <        <zombie>$packet{"packet.processes.zombie"}</zombie>
316 <        <stopped>$packet{"packet.processes.stopped"}</stopped>
317 <        <cpu>$packet{"packet.processes.cpu"}</cpu>
318 <    </processes>
319 <    <cpu>
320 <        <idle>$packet{"packet.cpu.idle"}</idle>
321 <        <user>$packet{"packet.cpu.user"}</user>
322 <        <kernel>$packet{"packet.cpu.kernel"}</kernel>
323 <        <iowait>$packet{"packet.cpu.iowait"}</iowait>
324 <        <swap>$packet{"packet.cpu.swap"}</swap>
325 <    </cpu>
326 <    <memory>
327 <        <total>$packet{""}</total>
328 <        <free>$packet{""}</free>
329 <    </memory>
330 <    <swap>
331 <        <total>$packet{""}</total>
332 <        <free>$packet{""}</free>
333 <    </swap>
334 <    $disk_info
335 < </packet>
293 >    # sort the data
294 >    @data = sort(grep(!/^$/, grep(/^packet\./, @data)));
296 < EOF
296 >    # turn the array into some nice XML
297 >    my($xml) = &make_xml("", "");
339    # Make the packet smaller by stripping out newlines and leading spaces.
340    $xml =~ s/\n\s*//g;
299      my($sock) = new IO::Socket::INET (
300                                        PeerPort => $udp_port,
301                                        PeerAddr => $filter_addr,
302                                        Proto => 'udp'
303                                       ) or die "Could not send UDP: $!\n";
304 <
304 >    
305      print $sock $xml or die "Could not send UDP packet: $!\n";
306      close($sock);
307      $seq_no++;
# Line 354 | Line 311 | EOF
311   }
314   #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
315   # send_tcp_heartbeat
316   # Establishes a TCP connection to an i-scream filter.
317   # The heartbeat is used as a guaranteed "I'm alive" delivery mechanism.
318 + # If we need to reconfigure, then we complete the heartbeat before
319 + # doing so.
320   #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
321   sub send_tcp_heartbeat() {
323 +    my ($doReconfigure) = 0;
324 +
325      my($sock) = new IO::Socket::INET(
326                                       PeerAddr => $filter_addr,
327                                       PeerPort => $tcp_port,
# Line 409 | Line 368 | sub send_tcp_heartbeat() {
368      if ($response eq "ERROR\n") {
369          close($sock);
370          print "Server configuration changed.  Reconfiguring with filter manager.\n";
371 <        &tcp_configure();
413 <        return;
371 >        $doReconfigure = 1;
372      }
373      if (!$response eq "OK\n") {
374          close($sock);
# Line 419 | Line 377 | sub send_tcp_heartbeat() {
377          return;
378      }
380 +    print $sock "KEY\n";
381 +    $key = <$sock>;
382 +    
383      print $sock "ENDHEARTBEAT\n";
384      $response = <$sock>;
385      if (!$response eq "OK\n") {
# Line 431 | Line 392 | sub send_tcp_heartbeat() {
392      close($sock);
393      print "^";
395 +    &tcp_configure() if $doReconfigure;
396 +    
397      return;
398   }
400 +
401   #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
402   # write_pid
403   # Writes the PID (process ID) of this instance to $pidfile.
# Line 445 | Line 409 | sub write_pid() {
409      close PID;
411      return;
412 + }
413 +
414 + #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
415 + # make_xml
416 + # Turns an array of plugins data into an XML string.
417 + #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
418 + sub make_xml() {
419 +    my($curlevel, $curline) = @_;
420 +    my($xmltemp) = ""; my($curtag) = ""; my($attributes) = "";
421 +    while(1) {
422 +        $curline = shift(@data) if $curline eq "";
423 +        return $xmltemp if not defined $curline;
424 +        chomp $curline;
425 +        # dealing with nest (or attributes)
426 +        if($curline =~ /^$curlevel([^\.\s]+\.)/) {
427 +            $curtag=$1;
428 +            if($curline =~ /^$curlevel$curtag([^\.\s]+)\s+(.*)$/) {
429 +                $xmltemp .= &make_xml("$curlevel$curtag", $curline);
430 +            }
431 +            elsif($curline =~ /^$curlevel$curtag(attributes)\.([^\.\s]+)\s+(.*)$/) {
432 +                $attributes .= " $2=\"$3\"";
433 +            }
434 +            else {
435 +                $xmltemp .= &make_xml("$curlevel$curtag", $curline);
436 +            }
437 +            my($nextline) = $data[0]; chomp $nextline if defined $nextline;
438 +            $curtag =~ s/(.*)\./$1/;
439 +            if((defined $nextline) && ($nextline =~ /^$curlevel$curtag\./)) {
440 +                $curline = "";
441 +            }
442 +            else {
443 +                $xmltemp = "<$curtag$attributes>$xmltemp</$curtag>" unless $curtag eq "";
444 +                return $xmltemp;
445 +            }
446 +        }
447 +        # dealing with value
448 +        elsif($curline =~ /^$curlevel([^\.\s]+)\s+(.*)$/) {
449 +            $curtag=$1;
450 +            $xmltemp=$2;          
451 +            my($nextline) = $data[0]; chomp $nextline if defined $nextline;
452 +            if(defined $nextline && ($nextline =~ /^$curlevel$curtag\./ || $nextline =~ /^$curlevel$curtag\s+/)) {
453 +                $curline = "";
454 +            }
455 +            else {
456 +                $xmltemp = "<$curtag$attributes>$xmltemp</$curtag>" unless $curtag eq "";
457 +                return $xmltemp;
458 +            }
459 +        }
460 +        # dealing with a null value
461 +        elsif($curline =~ /^$curlevel([^\.\s]+)$/) {
462 +            # simply adding a space makes the above elsif deal with it :)
463 +            # just level with an empty tag in the XML
464 +            $curline .= " ";
465 +        }
466 +        # failing all that, skip the line
467 +        else {
468 +            $curline = "";
469 +        }
470 +    }
471   }

Diff Legend

Removed lines
+ Added lines
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> Changed lines