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Revision: 1.39
Committed: Thu Mar 22 09:27:04 2001 UTC (23 years, 6 months ago) by pjm2
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.38: +87 -38 lines
Log Message:
Winhost may now be correctly reconfigured at all times that a heartbeat is
not occuring.

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 pjm2 1.1 VERSION 5.00
2     Object = "{248DD890-BB45-11CF-9ABC-0080C7E7B78D}#1.0#0"; "MSWINSCK.OCX"
3 pjm2 1.11 Object = "{33155A3D-0CE0-11D1-A6B4-444553540000}#1.0#0"; "SysTray.ocx"
4 pjm2 1.1 Begin VB.Form Form1
5 pjm2 1.17 BorderStyle = 3 'Fixed Dialog
6 pjm2 1.10 Caption = "i-scream Winhost"
7 pjm2 1.37 ClientHeight = 1380
8 pjm2 1.1 ClientLeft = 45
9 pjm2 1.17 ClientTop = 330
10 pjm2 1.37 ClientWidth = 4635
11 pjm2 1.20 Icon = "nettest.frx":0000
12 pjm2 1.1 LinkTopic = "Form1"
13     MaxButton = 0 'False
14 pjm2 1.17 MinButton = 0 'False
15 pjm2 1.37 ScaleHeight = 1380
16     ScaleWidth = 4635
17 pjm2 1.1 ShowInTaskbar = 0 'False
18 pjm2 1.24 StartUpPosition = 2 'CenterScreen
19     Visible = 0 'False
20 pjm2 1.26 Begin VB.CommandButton Command1
21     Caption = "more"
22     Height = 255
23 pjm2 1.37 Left = 3885
24 pjm2 1.26 TabIndex = 8
25 pjm2 1.37 Top = 1035
26 pjm2 1.26 Width = 615
27     End
28     Begin VB.TextBox Text1
29     Height = 2055
30     Left = 120
31     Locked = -1 'True
32     MultiLine = -1 'True
33     ScrollBars = 2 'Vertical
34     TabIndex = 7
35 pjm2 1.37 Top = 1440
36     Width = 4395
37 pjm2 1.26 End
38 pjm2 1.11 Begin VB.CommandButton Hide
39 pjm2 1.27 Caption = "hide"
40     Height = 255
41 pjm2 1.37 Left = 3225
42 pjm2 1.24 TabIndex = 6
43 pjm2 1.37 Top = 1035
44 pjm2 1.27 Width = 615
45 pjm2 1.11 End
46     Begin SysTray.SystemTray SystemTray
47 pjm2 1.26 Left = 2520
48     Top = 4200
49 pjm2 1.11 _ExtentX = 847
50     _ExtentY = 847
51     SysTrayText = "i-scream Winhost"
52     IconFile = 0
53     End
54 pjm2 1.8 Begin VB.Timer Timer1
55 pjm2 1.26 Left = 3120
56     Top = 4200
57 pjm2 1.1 End
58 pjm2 1.10 Begin VB.CommandButton Reconfigure
59     Caption = "Reconfigure with FilterManager"
60 pjm2 1.12 Height = 375
61 pjm2 1.26 Left = 840
62 pjm2 1.10 TabIndex = 0
63 pjm2 1.37 Top = 3555
64 pjm2 1.10 Width = 2895
65 pjm2 1.1 End
66 pjm2 1.5 Begin MSWinsockLib.Winsock TCPSock
67 pjm2 1.26 Left = 4080
68     Top = 4200
69 pjm2 1.1 _ExtentX = 741
70     _ExtentY = 741
71     _Version = 393216
72     End
73 pjm2 1.5 Begin MSWinsockLib.Winsock UDPSock
74 pjm2 1.26 Left = 3600
75     Top = 4200
76 pjm2 1.1 _ExtentX = 741
77     _ExtentY = 741
78     _Version = 393216
79     Protocol = 1
80     End
81 pjm2 1.37 Begin VB.Image Image1
82     Height = 900
83     Left = 2400
84 tdb 1.38 Picture = "nettest.frx":08CA
85 pjm2 1.37 Top = 90
86     Width = 2100
87     End
88 pjm2 1.9 Begin VB.Label Label2
89     Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
90     Caption = "Next heartbeat:"
91 pjm2 1.8 Height = 255
92 pjm2 1.26 Left = 120
93 pjm2 1.24 TabIndex = 5
94 pjm2 1.37 Top = 645
95 pjm2 1.9 Width = 1455
96 pjm2 1.8 End
97 pjm2 1.9 Begin VB.Label Label1
98     Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
99     Caption = "Next UDP packet:"
100 pjm2 1.8 Height = 255
101 pjm2 1.24 Left = 120
102     TabIndex = 4
103 pjm2 1.37 Top = 165
104 pjm2 1.9 Width = 1455
105 pjm2 1.8 End
106 pjm2 1.9 Begin VB.Label Label4
107 pjm2 1.10 BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
108 pjm2 1.9 Caption = "0"
109 pjm2 1.7 Height = 255
110 pjm2 1.26 Left = 1680
111 pjm2 1.24 TabIndex = 3
112 pjm2 1.37 Top = 645
113 pjm2 1.9 Width = 615
114 pjm2 1.7 End
115 pjm2 1.9 Begin VB.Label Label3
116 pjm2 1.10 BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
117 pjm2 1.9 Caption = "0"
118 pjm2 1.7 Height = 255
119 pjm2 1.24 Left = 1680
120     TabIndex = 2
121 pjm2 1.37 Top = 165
122 pjm2 1.9 Width = 615
123 pjm2 1.7 End
124 pjm2 1.6 Begin VB.Label Status
125 pjm2 1.12 Alignment = 2 'Center
126 pjm2 1.6 Caption = "Status:"
127 pjm2 1.1 Height = 255
128 pjm2 1.18 Left = 0
129 pjm2 1.24 TabIndex = 1
130 pjm2 1.37 Top = 1035
131     Width = 3180
132 pjm2 1.1 End
133     End
134     Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
135     Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
136     Attribute VB_Creatable = False
137     Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
138     Attribute VB_Exposed = False
139 pjm2 1.39 ' For the system tray methods
140 pjm2 1.4 Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
141     Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileInt Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileIntA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal nDefault As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
143 pjm2 1.39 ' Address of the filter manager
144 pjm2 1.4 Dim filterManagerHostname As String
145 pjm2 1.18 Dim filterManagerTCPPort As Long
146 pjm2 1.4
147 pjm2 1.39 ' Sequence number and machine name are sent in each UDP packet.
148 pjm2 1.13 Dim seqNo As Long
149     Dim machineName As String
151 pjm2 1.39 ' DEPRICATED. The number of seconds that the program has been running.
152 pjm2 1.32 Dim secondsRunning As Long
154 pjm2 1.39 ' Address of the filter to use.
155 pjm2 1.2 Dim filterHostname As String
156 pjm2 1.3 Dim filterTCPPort As Integer
157     Dim filterUDPPort As Integer
158 pjm2 1.39
159     ' Server configuration details.
160 pjm2 1.3 Dim fileList As String
161     Dim lastModified As String
162 pjm2 1.2
163 pjm2 1.39 ' Time intervals between UDP packets and heartbeats.
164 pjm2 1.7 Dim UDPUpdateTime As Integer
165     Dim TCPUpdateTime As Integer
167 pjm2 1.39 ' The protocol version used by the winhost.
168 pjm2 1.2 Dim protocolVersion As String
169 pjm2 1.39
170     ' Action flags.
171 pjm2 1.2 Dim connected As Boolean
172 pjm2 1.34 Dim heartBeating As Boolean
173 pjm2 1.39 Dim windowBig As Boolean
174 pjm2 1.16
175 pjm2 1.39 ' Define classes to be used to obtain uptime and number of users.
176 pjm2 1.21 Dim CUpTime As New CUpTime
177 pjm2 1.25 Dim wksta As New CNetWksta
178 pjm2 1.16
179 pjm2 1.39 ' Keep track of the line number in TCP communications.
180     Dim responseNumber As Integer
181 pjm2 1.26
182 pjm2 1.1
183 pjm2 1.39 ' Toggle visibility of the debug output.
184 pjm2 1.26 Private Sub Command1_Click()
185     If windowBig Then
186 pjm2 1.37 Form1.Height = 1755
187 pjm2 1.26 windowBig = False
188     Else
189 pjm2 1.37 Form1.Height = 4380
190 pjm2 1.26 windowBig = True
191     End If
192 pjm2 1.39 End Sub
193 pjm2 1.26
195 pjm2 1.39 ' Main method (or its Visual Basic equivalent!).
196 pjm2 1.2 Private Sub Form_Load()
197 pjm2 1.13
198 pjm2 1.39 ' Do not let any user run the program twice on one machine.
199 pjm2 1.22 If App.PrevInstance Then
200     x = MsgBox("There is already an i-scream Winhost running on this machine.", 48, "i-scream host already running")
201 pjm2 1.25 End
202 pjm2 1.22 End If
204 pjm2 1.2 protocolVersion = "1.1"
205 pjm2 1.13
206 pjm2 1.10 Status.Caption = "Loading"
207 pjm2 1.21 Form1.Caption = "i-scream Winhost " & protocolVersion
209     CUpTime.Init
211 pjm2 1.39 ' Some class functions only work on NT-based systems, and Win9x boxes
212     ' are rarely used as servers, anyway.
213 pjm2 1.21 If CUpTime.isWin9x Then
214 pjm2 1.25 x = MsgBox("Sorry, the i-scream host can only be used to monitor servers (i.e. not Win9x)", 48, "Not a server")
215 pjm2 1.21 End
216     End If
217 pjm2 1.6
218 pjm2 1.39 ' Start the program with the small window size.
219 pjm2 1.26 windowBig = False
221 pjm2 1.39 ' Catch errors while reading the configuration from the ini file.
222     On Error GoTo iniError
223 pjm2 1.4
224     Dim buf As String * 256
225     Dim length As Long
226 pjm2 1.39 length = GetPrivateProfileString("i-scream Winhost", "FilterManager", "", buf, Len(buf), App.Path & "/winhost.ini")
227 pjm2 1.4 filterManagerHostname = Left$(buf, length)
228 pjm2 1.18 length = GetPrivateProfileInt("i-scream Winhost", "FilterManagerPort", 0, App.Path & "/winhost.ini")
229     filterManagerTCPPort = length
230 pjm2 1.39
231 pjm2 1.25 If filterManagerHostname = "" Then
232     GoTo iniError
233     End If
234 pjm2 1.39
235     ' Resume normal error handling.
236 pjm2 1.20 On Error GoTo 0
237 pjm2 1.13
238 pjm2 1.39 ' We have the configuration. Now connect.
239 pjm2 1.18 Status.Caption = "Connecting to Filter Manager " & filterManagerHostname & ":" & filterManagerTCPPort
240 pjm2 1.13 Reconfigure_Click
241 pjm2 1.6
242 pjm2 1.39 ' Install the icon in the system tray.
243 pjm2 1.20 SystemTray.Icon = Val(Form1.Icon)
244 pjm2 1.15 SystemTray.Action = 0
247 pjm2 1.4 Exit Sub
249 pjm2 1.39 ' Error handler
250 pjm2 1.4 iniError:
251 pjm2 1.18 x = MsgBox("The i-scream Winhost could not read the correct settings from the winhost.ini file. Please correct these and try again. " & Err.Description, 48, "Configuration not found")
252 pjm2 1.4 End
254     End Sub
256 pjm2 1.39
257     ' Unload event. Also fires when the machine is shutting down.
258 pjm2 1.10 Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
259 pjm2 1.39
260     ' Prevent users from unwittingly shutting down thet winhost.
261 pjm2 1.11 x = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to shut down the Winhost? This will stop your computer sending information to the i-scream Central Monitoring System.", vbYesNo, "i-scream Winhost")
262 pjm2 1.10 If x = 7 Then
263     Cancel = True
264 pjm2 1.15 Else
265 pjm2 1.39 ' Remove the icon from the system tray.
266 pjm2 1.15 SystemTray.Action = 2
267 pjm2 1.10 End If
269     End Sub
271 pjm2 1.39
272     ' Make the form disappear and update the icon in the system tray.
273 pjm2 1.11 Private Sub Hide_Click()
274     Form1.Visible = False
275     SystemTray.Icon = Val(Form1.Icon)
276     End Sub
278 pjm2 1.30
279 pjm2 1.39 ' Reconfigure the host with the filter manager.
280 pjm2 1.10 Private Sub Reconfigure_Click()
281 pjm2 1.39 ' establish a TCP connection to a filtermanager, provided another TCP
282     ' communication is not already taking place.
283 pjm2 1.34 If Not heartBeating Then
284     connected = False
285     TCPSock.Close
286     TCPSock.Connect filterManagerHostname, filterManagerTCPPort
287     Else
288     Status.Caption = "Cannot reconfigure while heartbeating"
289     End If
290 pjm2 1.11 End Sub
293 pjm2 1.39 ' Do this when the user double-clicks on the system tray icon.
294 pjm2 1.11 Private Sub SystemTray_MouseDblClk(ByVal Button As Integer)
295 pjm2 1.39 ' After double-clicking on the system tray icon, we make the
296     ' form visible and give it active focus.
297 pjm2 1.11 Form1.Visible = True
298     Form1.SetFocus
300 pjm2 1.10 End Sub
302 pjm2 1.39
303     ' Establish a connection with the filter manager.
304     ' Thereafter, use the filter instead.
305 pjm2 1.5 Private Sub TCPSock_Connect()
306 pjm2 1.6
307 pjm2 1.39 ' Start from the first line of the response.
308 pjm2 1.6 responseNumber = 0
309 pjm2 1.39
310 pjm2 1.3 ' Send something as soon as we connect to the server.
311     If connected = False Then
312     ' contact the FilterManager
313 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.SendData "STARTCONFIG" & vbCrLf
314 pjm2 1.3 Else
315     ' Contact the Filter
316 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.SendData "HEARTBEAT" & vbCrLf
317 pjm2 1.3 End If
318 pjm2 1.1
319     End Sub
321 pjm2 1.39
322     ' Deal with TCP traffic coming from the filter or filter manager.
323 pjm2 1.5 Private Sub TCPSock_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
324 pjm2 1.1
325 pjm2 1.39 ' Move to the next line of the response.
326 pjm2 1.1 responseNumber = responseNumber + 1
328     ' Get the line from the server.
329 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.GetData response, vbString, bytesTotal
330 pjm2 1.1
331     ' Remove linefeeds and returns from the line.
332     response = Replace(response, Chr(13), "")
333     response = Replace(response, Chr(10), "")
335 pjm2 1.2 If connected = False Then
336     ' Perform TCP configuration (1.1)
337     On Error GoTo configError
338     Select Case responseNumber
339     Case 1:
340     If Not response = "OK" Then GoTo configError
341 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.SendData "LASTMODIFIED" & vbCrLf
342 pjm2 1.26 Text1.Text = "Requesting configuration from FilterManager:- " & vbCrLf
343     Text1.Text = Text1.Text & response & vbCrLf
344 pjm2 1.2 Case 2:
345     If response = "ERROR" Then GoTo configError
346 pjm2 1.3 lastModified = response
347 pjm2 1.26 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & response & vbCrLf
348 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.SendData "FILELIST" & vbCrLf
349 pjm2 1.2 Case 3:
350     If response = "ERROR" Then GoTo configError
351 pjm2 1.3 fileList = response
352 pjm2 1.26 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & response & vbCrLf
353 pjm2 1.29 TCPSock.SendData "FQDN" & vbCrLf
354     Case 4:
355     If response = "ERROR" Then GoTo configError
356     Text1.Text = Text1.Text & response & vbCrLf
357     machineName = response
358 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.SendData "UDPUpdateTime" & vbCrLf
359 pjm2 1.29 Case 5:
360 pjm2 1.2 If response = "ERROR" Then GoTo configError
361 pjm2 1.7 UDPUpdateTime = response
362 pjm2 1.26 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & response & vbCrLf
363 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.SendData "TCPUpdateTime" & vbCrLf
364 pjm2 1.29 Case 6:
365 pjm2 1.2 If response = "ERROR" Then GoTo configError
366 pjm2 1.7 TCPUpdateTime = response
367 pjm2 1.26 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & response & vbCrLf
368 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.SendData "ENDCONFIG" & vbCrLf
369 pjm2 1.29 Case 7:
370 pjm2 1.2 If Not response = "OK" Then GoTo configError
371 pjm2 1.26 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & response & vbCrLf
372 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.SendData "FILTER" & vbCrLf
373 pjm2 1.29 Case 8:
374 pjm2 1.26 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & response & vbCrLf
375 pjm2 1.39 ' We got a filter list here.
376 pjm2 1.2 readTo = 0
377 pjm2 1.39 ' Get hostname
378 pjm2 1.2 readTo = InStr(1, response, ";", vbBinaryCompare)
379     filterHostname = Mid(response, 1, readTo - 1)
380     response = Mid(response, readTo + 1, Len(response))
381 pjm2 1.39 ' Get UDP Port number
382 pjm2 1.2 readTo = InStr(1, response, ";")
383     filterUDPPort = Mid(response, 1, readTo - 1)
384     response = Mid(response, readTo + 1, Len(response))
385 pjm2 1.39 ' Get TCP Port number
386 pjm2 1.2 filterTCPPort = response
387 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.SendData "END" & vbCrLf
388 pjm2 1.29 Case 9:
389 pjm2 1.2 If Not response = "OK" Then GoTo configError
390     connected = True
391     responseNumber = 0
392 pjm2 1.39 ' We've finished with the socket now.
393 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.Close
394 pjm2 1.26 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & response & vbCrLf
395 pjm2 1.10 Status.Caption = "Configuration successful"
396 pjm2 1.8 Label3.Caption = UDPUpdateTime
397     Label4.Caption = TCPUpdateTime
398     Timer1.Interval = 1000
399 pjm2 1.2 End Select
400     Else
401     ' Perform a heartbeat (1.1)
402 pjm2 1.34 heartBeating = True
403 pjm2 1.2 On Error GoTo heartbeatError
404     Select Case responseNumber
405     Case 1:
406 pjm2 1.3 If Not response = "OK" Then GoTo heartbeatError
407 pjm2 1.26 Text1.Text = "Performing heartbeat: -" & vbCrLf
408     Text1.Text = Text1.Text & response & vbCrLf
409 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.SendData "CONFIG" & vbCrLf
410 pjm2 1.2 Case 2:
411 pjm2 1.3 If Not response = "OK" Then GoTo heartbeatError
412 pjm2 1.26 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & response & vbCrLf
413 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.SendData fileList & vbCrLf
414 pjm2 1.2 Case 3:
415 pjm2 1.3 If Not response = "OK" Then GoTo heartbeatError
416 pjm2 1.26 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & response & vbCrLf
417 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.SendData lastModified & vbCrLf
418 pjm2 1.2 Case 4:
419 pjm2 1.39 ' Reconfigure if the server configuration for the
420     ' host has been altered.
421 pjm2 1.34 If Not response = "OK" Then
422     heartBeating = False
423     Reconfigure_Click
424     End If
425 pjm2 1.26 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & response & vbCrLf
426 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.SendData "ENDHEARTBEAT" & vbCrLf
427 pjm2 1.2 Case 5:
428 pjm2 1.3 If Not response = "OK" Then GoTo heartbeatError
429 pjm2 1.26 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & response & vbCrLf
430 pjm2 1.5 TCPSock.Close
431 pjm2 1.10 Status.Caption = "Heartbeat sent successfully."
432 pjm2 1.39 heartBeating = False
433 pjm2 1.2 End Select
435     End If
438     Exit Sub
440     configError:
441 pjm2 1.34 heartBeating = False
442 pjm2 1.33 Status.Caption = "FAILED to get configuration from the server"
443 pjm2 1.8 Exit Sub
444 pjm2 1.2 heartbeatError:
445 pjm2 1.34 heartBeating = False
446 pjm2 1.10 Status.Caption = "Heatbeat FAILED"
447 pjm2 1.8 Exit Sub
448 pjm2 1.1 End Sub
449 pjm2 1.5
450 pjm2 1.39
451     ' Deal with the construction and sending of UDP packets.
452 pjm2 1.8 Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
454     Label3.Caption = Label3.Caption - 1
455     Label4.Caption = Label4.Caption - 1
457 pjm2 1.10 Status.Caption = ""
458 pjm2 1.8
459     If Label3.Caption < 1 Then
460 pjm2 1.15
461     ' prepare the contents of the XML packet.
462     seqNo = seqNo + 1
463 pjm2 1.26
464 pjm2 1.39 ' Windows machines can provide their NetBIOS name to assist
465     ' in identifying the machine.
466 pjm2 1.31 netbiosName = TCPSock.LocalHostName
467 pjm2 1.26
468 pjm2 1.39 ' The I.P. address of the host machine.
469 pjm2 1.16 LocalIP = TCPSock.LocalIP
470 pjm2 1.39
471     ' The date according to the host machine (formatted as the
472     ' number of seconds since the epoch).
473 pjm2 1.14 packetDate = Date2Num()
474 pjm2 1.15
475 pjm2 1.39 ' Attempt to return Windows version information with the API.
476 pjm2 1.15 Dim verinfo As OSVERSIONINFO
477     verinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(verinfo)
478     ret% = GetVersionEx(verinfo)
479     If ret% = 0 Then
480 pjm2 1.39 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & "Error getting Windows version Information"
481 pjm2 1.15 End
482     End If
484 pjm2 1.39 ' Now get all of the version information.
485 pjm2 1.21 osName = GetVersion()
486 pjm2 1.15 osVersionMajor = verinfo.dwMajorVersion
487     osVersionMinor = verinfo.dwMinorVersion
488     osBuild = verinfo.dwBuildNumber
490 pjm2 1.39 ' Find out what type of processor the host is using.
491 pjm2 1.15 Dim sysinfo As SYSTEM_INFO
492     GetSystemInfo sysinfo
493     Select Case sysinfo.dwProcessorType
494     Case PROCESSOR_INTEL_386
495     processorType = "Intel 386"
496     Case PROCESSOR_INTEL_486
497     processorType = "Intel 486"
499     processorType = "Intel Pentium variant"
500     Case PROCESSOR_MIPS_R4000
501     processorType = "MIPS R4000"
502     Case PROCESSOR_ALPHA_21064
503     processorType = "DEC Alpha 21064"
504     Case Else
505     processorType = "(unknown)"
506     End Select
508 pjm2 1.39 ' Find the amount of swap memory and physical memory
509     ' (both free and total)
510 pjm2 1.15 Dim memsts As MEMORYSTATUS
511     Dim memory&
512     GlobalMemoryStatus memsts
513     memory& = memsts.dwTotalPhys
514 pjm2 1.29 memTotal = memory& \ 1048576
515 pjm2 1.15 memory& = memsts.dwAvailPhys
516 pjm2 1.29 memFree = memory& \ 1048576
517 pjm2 1.15 memory& = memsts.dwTotalVirtual
518 pjm2 1.29 swapTotal = memory& \ 1048576
519 pjm2 1.15 memory& = memsts.dwAvailVirtual
520 pjm2 1.29 swapFree = memory& \ 1048576
521 pjm2 1.15
522 pjm2 1.39 ' Cause the CUpTime class to capture its data.
523 pjm2 1.23 CUpTime.Capture
524 pjm2 1.39
525     ' Get the processor occupancy percentages.
526 pjm2 1.23 cpu_time = CUpTime.CPUTime
527     percent_idle = CUpTime.PercentIdle
528 pjm2 1.32
529 pjm2 1.39 ' Get the uptime for the host. DO NOT use integer division here,
530     ' as this will cause the result to overflow if the machine has
531     ' been up for more than ~47 days.
532 pjm2 1.33 uptime = CUpTime.MilliSecs / 1000#
533 pjm2 1.23
534 pjm2 1.39 ' Use the CNetWksta class to find out how many users are logged
535     ' on to the system.
536 pjm2 1.28 userCount = wksta.LoggedOnUsers
538 pjm2 1.15 ' build the contents of the XML packet
539 pjm2 1.16 xml = "<packet seq_no=""" & seqNo & """ machine_name=""" & machineName & """ date=""" & packetDate & """ type=""data"" ip=""" & LocalIP & """>" & _
540 pjm2 1.15 "<os>" & _
541 pjm2 1.31 "<netbios_name>" & netbiosName & "</netbios_name>" & _
542 pjm2 1.15 "<name>" & osName & "</name>" & _
543 pjm2 1.35 "<version>" & osVersionMajor & "." & osVersionMinor & "</version>" & _
544 pjm2 1.15 "<release>" & osBuild & "</release>" & _
545 pjm2 1.36 "<platform>" & processorType & "</platform>" & _
546 pjm2 1.19 "<uptime>" & uptime & "</uptime>" & _
547 pjm2 1.15 "</os>" & _
548 pjm2 1.28 "<users><count>" & userCount & "</count></users>" & _
549 pjm2 1.23 "<cpu><idle>" & percent_idle & "</idle><user>" & cpu_time & "</user></cpu>" & _
550 pjm2 1.15 "<memory><total>" & memTotal & "</total><free>" & memFree & "</free></memory>" & _
551     "<swap><total>" & swapTotal & "</total><free>" & swapFree & "</free></swap>" & _
552 pjm2 1.17 "</packet>"
553 pjm2 1.39
554     ' Show the interested user what we are sending.
555 pjm2 1.26 Text1.Text = "Last packet contained: -" & vbCrLf & xml
556 pjm2 1.8
557     ' Use the first winsock control to send a UDP packet.
558     UDPSock.RemoteHost = filterHostname
559     UDPSock.RemotePort = filterUDPPort
560     UDPSock.SendData xml
561 pjm2 1.10 Status.Caption = "UDP packet sent"
562 pjm2 1.8 Label3.Caption = UDPUpdateTime
563     End If
565     If Label4.Caption < 1 Then
566     ' establish a TCP connection to a filter
567     TCPSock.Close
568     TCPSock.Connect filterHostname, filterTCPPort
569     Label4.Caption = TCPUpdateTime
570     End If
572     End Sub
573 pjm2 1.13
574 pjm2 1.39
575     ' Format the current date and time as a long integer representing
576     ' the number of seconds since the epoch.
577 pjm2 1.13 Function Date2Num() As Long
578 pjm2 1.14 Dim x As Long
579     x = DateDiff("s", "1-1-1970", Now)
580     Date2Num = x
581 pjm2 1.13 End Function