Revision: | 1.12 |
Committed: | Fri Mar 28 16:30:35 2003 UTC (21 years, 8 months ago) by tdb |
Branch: | MAIN |
CVS Tags: | HEAD |
Changes since 1.11: | +0 -0 lines |
Log Message: | Removed some un-used code from CVS. We can always resurrect this later if someone feels they want to work on it. Gone are the old perl ihost which isn't needed now, winhost which is broken and shows no sign of being fixed, and DBReporter. If someone wants to revive them, I'll undelete them :-) |
# | Content |
1 | Type=Exe |
2 | Form=nettest.frm |
3 | Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#C:\WINNT\System32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation |
4 | Object={248DD890-BB45-11CF-9ABC-0080C7E7B78D}#1.0#0; MSWINSCK.OCX |
5 | Object={33155A3D-0CE0-11D1-A6B4-444553540000}#1.0#0; SysTray.ocx |
6 | Module=Imports; Imports.bas |
7 | Class=CUpTime; CUpTime.cls |
8 | Class=CNetWksta; CNetWksta.cls |
9 | IconForm="Form1" |
10 | Startup="Form1" |
11 | HelpFile="" |
12 | Title="winhost" |
13 | ExeName32="winhost.exe" |
14 | Command32="" |
15 | Name="winhost" |
16 | HelpContextID="0" |
17 | Description="i-scream windows host" |
18 | CompatibleMode="0" |
19 | MajorVer=1 |
20 | MinorVer=1 |
21 | RevisionVer=0 |
22 | AutoIncrementVer=0 |
23 | ServerSupportFiles=0 |
24 | VersionComments="i-scream windows host" |
25 | VersionCompanyName="" |
26 | VersionFileDescription="i-scream windows host" |
27 | CompilationType=0 |
28 | OptimizationType=0 |
29 | FavorPentiumPro(tm)=0 |
30 | CodeViewDebugInfo=0 |
31 | NoAliasing=0 |
32 | BoundsCheck=0 |
33 | OverflowCheck=0 |
34 | FlPointCheck=0 |
35 | FDIVCheck=0 |
36 | UnroundedFP=0 |
37 | StartMode=0 |
38 | Unattended=0 |
39 | Retained=0 |
40 | ThreadPerObject=0 |
41 | MaxNumberOfThreads=1 |
42 | DebugStartupOption=0 |
43 | |
44 | [MS Transaction Server] |
45 | AutoRefresh=1 |