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Committed: Mon Feb 4 00:14:13 2002 UTC (22 years, 7 months ago) by tdb
Content type: text/xml
Changes since 1.12: +6 -1 lines
Log Message:
Integration of PircBot into i-scream as a replacement for the internal IRC
code that was put together in a hurry. PircBot makes the code much neater,
and ensures that the IRC interactivity is nicely seperated from the main
i-scream code.

PircBot is maintained by Paul, an i-scream developer also, at

Changes so far are mostly to move the existing features to the new
structure provided by PircBot. It is still very much in development, and
is very messy :)

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 tdb 1.10 <!-- build file for i-scream CMS server -->
2 tdb <!-- $Id: build.xml,v 1.12 2002/02/02 19:40:38 tdb Exp $ -->
3 tdb 1.9
4 tdb 1.5 <project name="iscream-server" default="usage">
5 tdb 1.1
6     <!--
7     =====================================================
8     Initialisation & Configuration
9     =====================================================
10     -->
12     <property name="SOURCEROOT" value="${basedir}"/>
13     <property name="CONFIGFILE" value="build.config"/>
15     <target name="config">
16     <echo message="Reading build configuration"/>
17     <property file="${CONFIGFILE}"/>
18     </target>
20     <!--
21     =====================================================
22 tdb 1.5 Usage
23 tdb 1.1 =====================================================
24     -->
26 tdb 1.5 <target name="usage">
27     <echo>
29     These are the targets supported by this ANT build script:
31     fetch - fetch all the JAR library files
32 tdb 1.8
33 tdb 1.5 idl - generate java source from IDL
34     build - compile all source code
35     package - generate JAR package and distributions
36     packageutil - generate UTIL JAR package
37 tdb 1.8
38     cvsbuild - build from cvs tag
39     use -Drev=TAG switch to specify cvs tag
41 tdb 1.5 javadoc - generate javadoc API
42 tdb 1.8 install - install server
43     use -Dprefix=/path/ switch to specify dest
44     run - run the server
46 tdb 1.5 clean - clean all generated files
47     distclean - remove 'fetched' libraries + clean
48 tdb 1.9
49     Recommend to run the following target order:
51     fetch packageutil package javadoc install
52 tdb 1.5 </echo>
53 tdb 1.2 </target>
55 tdb 1.5 <target name="help">
56     <antcall target="usage"/>
57 tdb 1.4 </target>
59 tdb 1.2 <!--
60     =====================================================
61     Fetch required libraries (not in dependency tree)
62     =====================================================
63     -->
65     <!-- this uses static names, which is messy -->
66 tdb 1.9 <!-- distclean target has same problem -->
67 tdb 1.5 <target name="fetch" depends="config">
68 tdb 1.2 <get
69 tdb 1.3 src="${LIBURL}/crimson.jar"
70 tdb 1.2 dest="${LIBDIR}/crimson.jar"
71     verbose="true" usetimestamp="true"
72     />
73     <get
74 tdb 1.3 src="${LIBURL}/idl.jar"
75 tdb 1.2 dest="${LIBDIR}/idl.jar"
76     verbose="true" usetimestamp="true"
77     />
78     <get
79 tdb 1.3 src="${LIBURL}/jacorb.jar"
80 tdb 1.2 dest="${LIBDIR}/jacorb.jar"
81     verbose="true" usetimestamp="true"
82     />
83     <get
84 tdb 1.3 src="${LIBURL}/jaxp.jar"
85 tdb 1.2 dest="${LIBDIR}/jaxp.jar"
86     verbose="true" usetimestamp="true"
87     />
88     <get
89 tdb 1.12 src="${LIBURL}/mm.mysql-2.0.11-bin.jar"
90     dest="${LIBDIR}/mm.mysql-2.0.11-bin.jar"
91 tdb verbose="true" usetimestamp="true"
92     />
93     <get
94     src="${LIBURL}/pircbot.jar"
95     dest="${LIBDIR}/pircbot.jar"
96 tdb 1.2 verbose="true" usetimestamp="true"
97     />
98     <!-- also get -->
99     </target>
101 tdb 1.1 <!--
102     =====================================================
103     IDL Generation
104     =====================================================
105     -->
107     <!-- generate java code from idl files -->
108 tdb 1.5 <target name="idl" depends="config">
109 tdb 1.1 <echo message="Generating Java source from IDL"/>
110     <java classname="${IDLPARSER}">
111 tdb 1.11 <arg line="-sloppy_names -d ${IDLDIR} ${IDLFILE}"/>
112 tdb 1.1 <classpath path="${IDLPARSERJAR}"/>
113     </java>
114     </target>
116     <!--
117     =====================================================
118     Source code compilation (including idl-generated)
119     =====================================================
120     -->
122 tdb 1.5 <target name="buildidl" depends="idl">
123 tdb 1.1 <javac
124     srcdir="${IDLDIR}"
125     destdir="${BUILDDIR}"
126     classpath="${JCCLASSPATH}"
127     includes="uk/**/*.java"
128     debug="${JCDEBUG}"
129     optimize="${JCOPTIM}"
130     deprecation="${JCDEPRE}"
131     />
132     </target>
134 tdb 1.5 <target name="build" depends="buildidl">
135 tdb 1.1 <javac
136     srcdir="${SOURCEROOT}"
137     destdir="${BUILDDIR}"
138     classpath="${JCCLASSPATH}"
139     includes="uk/**/*.java"
140     debug="${JCDEBUG}"
141     optimize="${JCOPTIM}"
142     deprecation="${JCDEPRE}"
143     />
144     </target>
146     <!--
147     =====================================================
148     Package creation
149     =====================================================
150     -->
152 tdb 1.5 <target name="makejar" depends="build">
153 tdb 1.1 <echo file="${BUILDDIR}/MANIFEST_TMP"
154     >Manifest-Version: 1.0
155     Created-By:
156     Main-Class: ${MFMAINCLASS}
157     Class-Path: ${MFCLPATH}
158     </echo>
159     <jar
160     jarfile="${BUILDDIR}/${SERVERJAR}"
161     basedir="${BUILDDIR}"
162     includes="uk/**/*.class"
163     manifest="${BUILDDIR}/MANIFEST_TMP"
164     />
165     <delete file="${BUILDDIR}/MANIFEST_TMP"/>
166     </target>
168     <target name="maketardist" depends="makejar">
169     <tar
170     longfile="fail"
171     basedir="${BUILDDIR}"
172     tarfile="${BUILDDIR}/${TARFILE}"
173     includes="${SERVERJAR},, lib/**, etc/**, README"
174     />
175     <gzip src="${BUILDDIR}/${TARFILE}" zipfile="${BUILDDIR}/${TARGZFILE}"/>
176     <delete file="${BUILDDIR}/${TARFILE}"/>
177     </target>
179     <target name="makezipdist" depends="makejar">
180     <zip
181     basedir="${BUILDDIR}"
182     zipfile="${BUILDDIR}/${ZIPFILE}"
183     includes="${SERVERJAR}, run.bat, lib/**, etc/**, README"
184     />
185     </target>
187 tdb 1.5 <target name="package" depends="maketardist, makezipdist"/>
188 tdb 1.1
189     <!--
190     =====================================================
191     Cleaning
192     =====================================================
193     -->
195 tdb 1.5 <target name="clean" depends="config">
196 tdb 1.1 <delete dir="${IDLDIR}/${ROOTPKG}"/>
197     <delete dir="${BUILDDIR}/${ROOTPKG}"/>
198 tdb 1.4 <delete dir="${JDOCDIR}"/>
199 tdb 1.8 <delete dir="${CVSBUILDTEMP}"/>
200     <delete>
201     <fileset dir="${BUILDDIR}">
202     <include name="${SERVERJAR}"/>
203     <include name="${UTILJAR}"/>
204     <include name="${ARCNAME}*${TAREXT}"/>
205     <include name="${ARCNAME}*${TARGZEXT}"/>
206     <include name="${ARCNAME}*${ZIPEXT}"/>
207     </fileset>
208     </delete>
209 tdb 1.2 </target>
211 tdb 1.5 <target name="distclean" depends="clean">
212 tdb 1.2 <!-- this is messy, we should only delete specific jars -->
213     <delete>
214     <fileset dir="${LIBDIR}" includes="*.jar"/>
215     </delete>
216     </target>
218     <!--
219     =====================================================
220 tdb 1.5 Running
221 tdb 1.2 =====================================================
222     -->
224 tdb 1.4 <!-- is this really the best way to do this? no... -->
225 tdb 1.5 <target name="run" depends="config">
226 tdb 1.2 <java classname="${MFMAINCLASS}" dir="${BUILDDIR}" fork="yes">
227     <arg line="-f ${RUNFILTERNAME}"/>
228     <classpath path="${BUILDDIR}/${SERVERJAR}"/>
229     </java>
230 tdb 1.4 </target>
232     <!--
233     =====================================================
234 tdb 1.5 Javadoc
235 tdb 1.4 =====================================================
236     -->
238 tdb 1.5 <target name="javadoc" depends="config, idl">
239 tdb 1.4 <mkdir dir="${JDOCDIR}"/>
240     <!-- link in here requires a live net link! -->
241     <javadoc
242     packagenames="${JDOCPKGS}"
243     destdir="${JDOCDIR}"
244     classpath="${JCCLASSPATH}"
245     author="true"
246     version="true"
247     private="true"
248     use="true"
249     windowtitle="${JDOCTITLE}"
250     header="${JDOCHEADER}"
251     bottom="${JDOCBOTTOM}"
252     link="${JDOCJAPI}"
253     >
254     <!-- need to do idl generated source too -->
255     <sourcepath>
256     <pathelement path="${SOURCEROOT}"/>
257     <pathelement path="${IDLDIR}"/>
258     </sourcepath>
259     </javadoc>
260 tdb 1.5 </target>
262     <!--
263     =====================================================
264     Util Package
265     =====================================================
266     -->
268     <!-- MUST clean here to ensure util package is tidy -->
269     <target name="buildutil" depends="config, clean">
270     <javac
271     srcdir="${SOURCEROOT}"
272     destdir="${BUILDDIR}"
273     classpath="${JCCLASSPATH}"
274     includes="${UTILSRC}"
275     debug="${JCDEBUG}"
276     optimize="${JCOPTIM}"
277     deprecation="${JCDEPRE}"
278     />
279     </target>
281     <target name="packageutil" depends="buildutil">
282     <jar
283     jarfile="${BUILDDIR}/${UTILJAR}"
284     basedir="${BUILDDIR}"
285     includes="uk/**/*.class"
286     />
287 tdb 1.7 </target>
289     <!--
290     =====================================================
291     Install
292     =====================================================
293     -->
295     <target name="install" depends="config, makejar">
296     <mkdir dir="${INSTALLDEST}"/>
297     <mkdir dir="${INSTALLDEST}/etc"/>
298     <mkdir dir="${INSTALLDEST}/lib"/>
299     <copy file="${BUILDDIR}/${SERVERJAR}" todir="${INSTALLDEST}"/>
300     <copy file="${BUILDDIR}/" todir="${INSTALLDEST}"/>
301     <copy file="${BUILDDIR}/run.bat" todir="${INSTALLDEST}"/>
302     <copy todir="${INSTALLDEST}/lib" >
303     <fileset dir="${LIBDIR}">
304     <include name="**/*.jar"/>
305     <exclude name="**/CVS/*"/>
306     </fileset>
307     </copy>
308     <copy todir="${INSTALLDEST}/etc" >
309     <fileset dir="${BUILDDIR}/etc">
310     <include name="**/*"/>
311     <exclude name="**/CVS/*"/>
312     </fileset>
313     </copy>
314     <copy file="${BUILDDIR}/README" todir="${INSTALLDEST}"/>
315 tdb 1.8 </target>
317     <!--
318     =====================================================
319     CVS Build
320     =====================================================
321     -->
323     <target name="cvsbuild" depends="config">
324     <mkdir dir="${CVSBUILDTEMP}"/>
325     <cvs
326     cvsRoot="${CVSROOT}"
327     command="export -d ${CVSBUILDTEMP}"
328     tag="${REVISION}"
329     package="${CVSMODULE}"
330     />
331     <!-- it would be IDEAL to use the ant target here.
332     BUT, it would need to use it's OWN properties.
333     exec is a poor substitute.
334     no idea about windows compatibility. -->
335     <exec executable="ant" dir="${CVSBUILDTEMP}">
336     <arg value="fetch"/>
337     </exec>
338     <exec executable="ant" dir="${CVSBUILDTEMP}">
339     <arg value="packageutil"/>
340     </exec>
341     <exec executable="ant" dir="${CVSBUILDTEMP}">
342     <arg value="package"/>
343     </exec>
344     <copy file="${CVSBUILDTEMP}/build/${TARGZFILE}"
345     tofile="${BUILDDIR}/${ARCNAME}-${REVISION}${TARGZEXT}"/>
346     <copy file="${CVSBUILDTEMP}/build/${ZIPFILE}"
347     tofile="${BUILDDIR}/${ARCNAME}-${REVISION}${ZIPEXT}"/>
348     <!-- should we be overwriting any old util jar here? -->
349     <copy file="${CVSBUILDTEMP}/build/${UTILJAR}" todir="${BUILDDIR}"/>
350 tdb 1.1 </target>
352     </project>