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Revision: 1.14
Committed: Mon Feb 5 01:01:52 2001 UTC (24 years, 1 month ago) by tdb
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.13: +3 -3 lines
Log Message:
CorbaHandler changed name to CorbaControlHandler.

File Contents

# Content
1 //
2 // This class provides infomation about the CORBA
3 // interface for the server side of the I-Scream system.
4 //
5 // $Id: iscream.idl,v 1.13 2001/02/03 00:44:28 tdb1 Exp $
6 //
7 module uk { module ac { module ukc { module iscream {
8 module core {
10 // The Logger interface, provides a corba object that
11 // all classes can use to log system and error information.
12 interface Logger {
13 void write(in string source, in long verbosity, in string message);
14 // Verbosity levels
15 const long FATAL=0;
16 const long ERROR=1;
17 const long WARNING=2;
18 const long SYSMSG=3;
19 const long SYSINIT=4;
20 const long DEBUG=5;
21 };
23 // The Configuration interface, provides a CORBA object that
24 // all classes can use to get their configuration.
25 interface Configuration {
26 string getProperty(in string key);
27 long long getLastModified();
28 string getFileList();
29 };
31 // The ConfigurationManager interface, provides a CORBA object that
32 // all classes can use to obtain their individual configuration.
33 interface ConfigurationManager {
34 Configuration getConfiguration(in string source);
35 boolean isModified(in string source, in long long currentModified);
36 };
38 // end core
39 };
41 module filter {
42 interface Filter {
43 void receiveXML(in string xml);
44 string getHostName();
45 string getUDPPort();
46 string getTCPPort();
47 };
49 // end filter
50 };
52 module client {
53 interface Client {
54 void receiveXML(in string xml);
55 };
56 // end client
57 };
59 module clientinterface {
60 interface ClientInterface {
61 void receiveXML(in string xml);
62 };
63 interface CorbaControlHandler {
64 boolean startData();
65 boolean stopData();
66 boolean setHostList(in string hostList);
67 };
68 interface CorbaClientListener {
69 CorbaControlHandler connect(in client::Client client);
70 };
71 // end clientinterface
72 };
74 // end
75 };};};};