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Revision: 1.4
Committed: Sun Oct 16 19:21:33 2011 UTC (13 years, 4 months ago) by tdb
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File Contents

# Content
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
3 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
4 "">
6 <refentry id="saidar">
8 <refentryinfo>
9 <date>$Date: 2006/11/30 23:42:42 $</date>
10 <releaseinfo>$Id: saidar.xml,v 1.3 2006/11/30 23:42:42 tdb Exp $</releaseinfo>
11 </refentryinfo>
13 <refmeta>
14 <refentrytitle>saidar</refentrytitle>
15 <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
16 <refmiscinfo>i-scream</refmiscinfo>
17 </refmeta>
19 <refnamediv>
20 <refname>saidar</refname>
21 <refpurpose>a curses-based tool for viewing system statistics</refpurpose>
22 </refnamediv>
24 <refsynopsisdiv>
25 <cmdsynopsis>
26 <command>saidar</command>
27 <arg choice='opt'>-d <replaceable>delay</replaceable></arg>
28 <arg choice='opt'>-c</arg>
29 <arg choice='opt'>-v</arg>
30 <arg choice='opt'>-h</arg>
31 </cmdsynopsis>
32 </refsynopsisdiv>
34 <refsect1>
35 <title>Description</title>
36 <para>
37 <command>saidar</command> is a curses-based tool for viewing the
38 system statistics available through libstatgrab. Statistics include
39 CPU, processes, load, memory, swap, network I/O, disk I/O, and file
40 system information.
41 </para>
42 </refsect1>
44 <refsect1>
45 <title>Options</title>
46 <para>
47 The following options are supported.
48 </para>
49 <variablelist>
50 <varlistentry>
51 <term><option>-d</option> <replaceable>DELAY</replaceable></term>
52 <listitem>
53 <para>
54 Wait DELAY seconds between updates (default 3)
55 </para>
56 </listitem>
57 </varlistentry>
58 <varlistentry>
59 <term><option>-c</option></term>
60 <listitem>
61 <para>
62 Enables coloured output
63 </para>
64 </listitem>
65 </varlistentry>
66 <varlistentry>
67 <term><option>-v</option></term>
68 <listitem>
69 <para>
70 Prints the version number
71 </para>
72 </listitem>
73 </varlistentry>
74 <varlistentry>
75 <term><option>-h</option></term>
76 <listitem>
77 <para>
78 Display help and exits
79 </para>
80 </listitem>
81 </varlistentry>
82 </variablelist>
83 </refsect1>
85 <refsect1>
86 <title>Coloured Output</title>
87 <para>
88 When the <option>-c</option> option is used saidar uses colours
89 to display the data. Each area has a different colour to
90 distinguish it from the nearby fields. Bold and reverse video
91 effects are used to emphasis fields where necessary.
92 </para>
93 <para>
94 The load average figures are displayed in bold when they're
95 notably (greater that 1) different to each other. This purely
96 shows that a change in the load is occurring.
97 </para>
98 <para>
99 When CPU usage goes over 60% it will be displayed in bold.
100 At 90% the field is displayed using reverse video. Likewise
101 for memory, swap and disk usage at 75% and 90%. Zombie
102 processes are also highlighted.
103 </para>
104 <para>
105 Other values (paging, disk I/O and network I/O) are not
106 highlighted due to the nature of the values; it's not easy
107 to determine what thresholds are significant.
108 </para>
109 </refsect1>
111 <refsect1>
112 <title>See Also</title>
114 <simplelist type="inline">
115 <member>
116 <citerefentry>
117 <refentrytitle>statgrab</refentrytitle>
118 <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
119 </citerefentry>
120 <citerefentry>
121 <refentrytitle>statgrab</refentrytitle>
122 <manvolnum>3</manvolnum>
123 </citerefentry>
124 </member>
125 </simplelist>
126 </refsect1>
128 <refsect1>
129 <title>Authors</title>
130 <para>
131 This man page was derived from the man page written by Bartosz
132 Fenski for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution.
133 </para>
134 </refsect1>
136 <refsect1>
137 <title>Website</title>
139 <simplelist type="vert">
140 <member>
141 <ulink url="">
143 </ulink>
144 </member>
145 </simplelist>
146 </refsect1>
148 </refentry>