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Revision: 1.2
Committed: Thu Oct 2 16:01:52 2003 UTC (21 years ago) by tdb
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# User Rev Content
1 tdb 1.1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
3     <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
4     "">
6     <refentry id="get_diskio_stats">
8     <refentryinfo>
9 tdb 1.2 <date>$Date: 2003/10/02 15:17:59 $</date>
10     <releaseinfo>$Id: get_diskio_stats.xml,v 1.1 2003/10/02 15:17:59 tdb Exp $</releaseinfo>
11 tdb 1.1 </refentryinfo>
13     <refmeta>
14     <refentrytitle>get_diskio_stats</refentrytitle>
15     <manvolnum>3</manvolnum>
16     <refmiscinfo>i-scream</refmiscinfo>
17     </refmeta>
19     <refnamediv>
20     <refname>get_diskio_stats</refname>
21     <refname>get_diskio_stats_diff</refname>
22     <refpurpose>get disk io statistics</refpurpose>
23     </refnamediv>
25     <refsynopsisdiv>
26     <funcsynopsis>
27     <funcsynopsisinfo>#include &lt;statgrab.h&gt;</funcsynopsisinfo>
28     <funcprototype>
29     <funcdef>diskio_stat_t *<function>get_diskio_stats</function></funcdef>
30     <paramdef>int *<parameter>entries</parameter></paramdef>
31     </funcprototype>
32     <funcprototype>
33     <funcdef>diskio_stat_t *<function>get_diskio_stats_diff</function></funcdef>
34     <paramdef>int *<parameter>entries</parameter></paramdef>
35     </funcprototype>
36     </funcsynopsis>
37     </refsynopsisdiv>
39     <refsect1>
40     <title>Description</title>
41     <para>
42     Both calls take a pointer to an int,
43     <parameter>entries</parameter>, which is filled with the number
44     of disks the machine has. This is needed to know how many
45     <structname>diskio_stat_t</structname> structures have been
46     returned. A pointer is returned to the first
47     <structname>diskio_stat_t</structname>.
48     </para>
49     <para>
50     <function>get_diskio_stats</function> returns the disk IO stored
51     in the kernel which holds the amount of data transferred since
52     bootup. On some platforms, such as Solaris 7, this value is
53     stored in a 32bit int, so wraps around when it reaches 4GB. Other
54     platforms, such as Solaris 8, hold the value in a 64bit int,
55     which wraps somewhere near 17 million terabytes.
56     </para>
57     <para>
58     <function>get_diskio_stats_diff</function> is the same as
59     <function>get_diskio_stats</function> except it will return the
60     difference since the last call. So, for instance a call to
61     <function>get_diskio_stats_diff</function> is made, and called
62     again 5 seconds later. Over that time, 2000 bytes of traffic were
63     written and 10000 bytes read. <parameter>write_bytes</parameter>
64     will store 2000 bytes, <parameter>read_bytes</parameter> will
65     store 10000, and <parameter>systime</parameter> will store 5.
66     This function copes with wrap arounds by the O/S so should be
67     seemless to use.
68     </para>
69     </refsect1>
71     <refsect1>
72     <title>Return Values</title>
74     <para>
75     All diskio statistics return a pointer to a structure of type
76     <structname>diskio_stat_t</structname>.
77     </para>
79     <programlisting>
80     typedef struct{
81     char *disk_name;
82     long long read_bytes;
83     long long write_bytes;
84     time_t systime;
85     }diskio_stat_t;
86     </programlisting>
88     <variablelist>
89     <varlistentry>
90     <term>
91     <structfield>disk_name</structfield>
92     </term>
93     <listitem>
94     <para>
95     The name known to the operating system.
96     (eg. on linux it might be hda)
97     </para>
98     </listitem>
99     </varlistentry>
100     <varlistentry>
101     <term>
102     <structfield>read_bytes</structfield>
103     </term>
104     <listitem>
105     <para>
106     The number of bytes the disk has read.
107     </para>
108     </listitem>
109     </varlistentry>
110     <varlistentry>
111     <term>
112     <structfield>write_bytes</structfield>
113     </term>
114     <listitem>
115     <para>
116     The number of bytes the disk has written.
117     </para>
118     </listitem>
119     </varlistentry>
120     <varlistentry>
121     <term>
122     <structfield>systime</structfield>
123     </term>
124     <listitem>
125     <para>
126 tdb 1.2 The time period over which <parameter>read_bytes</parameter>
127     and <parameter>write_bytes</parameter> were transferred.
128 tdb 1.1 </para>
129     </listitem>
130     </varlistentry>
131     </variablelist>
132     </refsect1>
134     <refsect1>
135     <title>Bugs</title>
136     <para>
137     On the very first call <function>get_diskio_stats_diff</function>
138     will return the same as <function>get_diskio_stats</function>.
139     After the first call it will always return the difference.
140     </para>
141     <para>
142     On operating systems that hold only 32bits of data there is a
143     problem if the values wrap twice. For example, on Solaris 7 if
144     9GB is transferred and the operating system wraps at 4GB, the
145     <function>get_diskio_stats_diff</function> function will return
146     5GB.
147     </para>
148     </refsect1>
150     <refsect1>
151     <title>See Also</title>
152     <para>Nothing yet</para>
153     </refsect1>
155     <refsect1>
156     <title>Website</title>
158     <simplelist type="vert">
159     <member>
160     <ulink url=""></ulink>
161     </member>
162     </simplelist>
163     </refsect1>
165     </refentry>