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_statgrab.pyx 1.21 (16 years ago) by tdb: Modify the Result class to extend dict. Then overload __getattr__ to still allow it to be used as if it had attributes. This makes it easier to work with the data (iteration over values, etc) and maintains compatibility. 1.23 (17 years ago) by tdb: Post-release version increment. 1.8 (17 years ago) by tdb: Chase two additional functions in libstatgrab 0.13 - sg_snapshot and sg_shutdown. Both are null operations on non-Windows platforms, but Python can run on Windows so we should support them. Consequently we now need at least libstatgrab 0.13.
NEWS 1.6 (17 years ago) by tdb: Update for 0.5.
README 1.4 (19 years ago) by tdb: Add comment about setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH. 1.4 (20 years ago) by tdb: Prepare for 0.2 release of pystatgrab.
AUTHORS 1.1 (20 years ago) by tdb: Prepare for 0.2 release of pystatgrab.
COPYING 1.1 (20 years ago) by tdb: Modify to do more exhaustive testing. Also create statgrab.c using pyrexc if it doesn't exist.
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