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Revision: 1.23
Committed: Mon Mar 3 15:30:59 2003 UTC (21 years, 7 months ago) by tdb
Branch: MAIN
Branch point for: I-SCREAM_ORG
Changes since 1.22: +0 -0 lines
Log Message:
Nothing changed, I just want to log a relevant change...

This is the latest modification to cvs2cl, revision 2.38. This is an
old and outdatted version of cvs2cl, but it's what we're using right
now. I've got rid of unanimous tags in this change. The patch given
below is a complete diff from 2.38.

<             $files = wrap ("\t", "	", "$files");
> # tdb: no-wrap shouldn't wrap ANYTHING!
>             #$files = wrap ("\t", "	", "$files");
<     if ((scalar (@qunkrefs)) > 1)
> # tdb: hacked to turn off the commondir feature
>     if ((scalar (@qunkrefs)) < 0)
<       my $everyone_has_this_tag = 1;
> # tdb: we don't want to have unanimous tags
>       my $everyone_has_this_tag = 0;
<       $beauty .= ", ";
> # tdb: hacked to put a newline after each one
>       $beauty .= ",\n";
<   $beauty = "* $beauty:";
> # tdb: hacked to remove the prefixed *
>   $beauty = "$beauty:";

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 tdb 1.5 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3     use CGI;
4     $query=new CGI;
5     my($period)=$query->param('period');
6     $period = "today" unless defined $period;
7 tdb 1.16 my($modulelist)=$query->param('module');
8     my $moduleext=""; $moduleext=":$modulelist" if defined $modulelist;
9 tdb 1.5
10     my($firstdate);
11     if($period eq "days") {
12     my($days)=$query->param('days');
13     $days = 1 unless defined $days;
14     if ($days < 1) {$days = 1};
15 tdb 1.16 $heading = "i-scream CVS$moduleext commits in the past $days day(s)";
16 tdb 1.5 $days--;
17 tdb 1.16 $firstdate = ">" . `date --date \"$days days ago\" \"+%Y/%m/%d\"`;
18     }
19     elsif($period eq "date") {
20     my($date)=$query->param('date');
21     $date = `/bin/date \"+%Y/%m/%d\"` unless defined $date;
22     $heading = "i-scream CVS$moduleext commits on $date";
23     $firstdate = "$date 00:00<$date 23:59"
24 tdb 1.5 }
25 tdb 1.18 elsif($period eq "since") {
26     my($date)=$query->param('date');
27     $date = `/bin/date \"+%Y/%m/%d\"` unless defined $date;
28     $heading = "i-scream CVS$moduleext commits since $date";
29     $firstdate = ">$date";
30     }
31 tdb 1.5 elsif($period eq "thisweek") {
32 tdb 1.16 $firstdate = ">last Sunday";
33     $heading = "i-scream CVS$moduleext commits this week";
34 tdb 1.5 }
35     else {
36 tdb 1.16 # default to "today only"
37     $firstdate = ">" . `/bin/date \"+%Y/%m/%d\"`;
38     $heading = "Today's i-scream CVS$moduleext commits";
39 tdb 1.5 }
40 tdb 1.1
41 tdb 1.10 my($cvsroot) = "/cvs/i-scream";
43     $modulelist = `ls $cvsroot` unless defined $modulelist;
44 tdb 1.17 $modulelist =~ s/[\r\n]/ /gm;
45 tdb 1.1
46 tdb 1.16 my($cvs2clpath) = "/home/sites/";
47 tdb 1.21 #my($cvs2clargs) = "--stdout --no-wrap -r -b -t -w -S -U $cvsroot/CVSROOT/users -l \"-d'$firstdate'\" -g \"-d$cvsroot\" -g \"-Q\"";
48     my($cvs2clargs) = "--stdout --no-wrap -r -t -w -S -U $cvsroot/CVSROOT/users -l \"-d'$firstdate'\" -g \"-d$cvsroot\" -g \"-Q\"";
49 tdb 1.10 my($updatecmd) = "/home/sites/ $modulelist";
50 tdb 1.5 my($logcmd) = "cd /home/sites/ && $cvs2clpath $cvs2clargs";
51 tdb 1.13
52     my ($left) = "../" ;
53     my ($title) = "../";
54     my ($bottom) = "../";
55 tdb 1.1
56 tdb 1.10 print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
58 tdb 1.1 print <<"END";
59     <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
61     <html>
63     <head>
64 tdb 1.7 <title>The i-scream Project Commit Log</title>
65 tdb 1.1 </head>
67 tdb 1.14 <body bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#0000ff" alink="#3333cc" vlink="#3333cc" text="#000066">
68 tdb 1.1
69 tdb 1.12 <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
70     <tr>
71     <td valign="top">
72 tdb 1.13 END
74     &print_html($left);
75 tdb 1.12
76     print <<"END";
77     </td>
78     <td valign="top">
79 tdb 1.13 END
80 tdb 1.12
81 tdb 1.13 &print_html($title);
82 tdb 1.12
83 tdb 1.13 print <<"END";
84 tdb 1.8 <h2>$heading</h2>
85 tdb 1.5 END
86 tdb 1.1
87 tdb 1.22 print `$updatecmd >/dev/null 2>&1`;
88 tdb 1.9
89 tdb 1.5 my(@modules) = split (/\s+/, $modulelist);
91     foreach my $module (@modules) {
93 tdb 1.11 print "<table border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#000066\" cellpadding=\"5\" width=\"100%\">\n\n";
94 tdb 1.14 print "<tr><td>\n<font size=\"4\"><b><a href=\"/cgi-bin/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/$module\" style=\"color: white\">$module module</a></b></font>\n</td></tr>\n\n";
95 tdb 1.8 print "<tr><td bgcolor=\"white\">\n";
96 tdb 1.5
97     my(@lines) = `$logcmd $module 2>&1`;
98     if(@lines == 0) {
99 tdb 1.8 print "There have been no commits in this module during this period.\n";
100 tdb 1.5 }
101     else {
102     foreach my $line (@lines) {
103 tdb 1.7
104 tdb 1.16 if ($line =~ /^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}.*?)\s+([^\s]+)\s+<([^\s]+)>$/) {
105     print "\n<font color=\"blue\">\n<b>";
106 tdb 1.7 print HTML_encode($1);
107 tdb 1.16 print "</b>\n<i>";
108     print " commited by <a href=\"mailto:$3\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">";
109     print HTML_encode("$2");
110     print "</a></i>\n</font>\n"
111     }
112 tdb 1.20 elsif ($line =~ /^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}.*?)\s+([^\s]+)$/) {
113     print "\n<font color=\"blue\">\n<b>";
114     print HTML_encode($1);
115     print "</b>\n<i>";
116     print " commited by ";
117     print HTML_encode("$2");
118     print "</i>\n</font>\n"
119     }
120 tdb 1.19 elsif($line =~ /(\S+) (\(\S+\))([,:])/ || $line =~ /(\S+) (\(\S+,\s+\S+\))([,:])/) {
121 tdb 1.16 #chop $line;
122     my ($file, $rest, $ext) = ($1, $2, $3);
123     print "<code>";
124     print "<a href=\"/cgi-bin/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/$file\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">";
125     print HTML_encode($file);
126     print "</a> ";
127 tdb 1.22 if($rest =~ /\((\S+)\.(\d+)(.*)\)/) {
128 tdb 1.16 my $newrev = "$1.$2";
129     my $oldminver = $2-1;
130     my $oldrev = "$1.$oldminver";
131 tdb 1.22 if($2 != 1) {
132 tdb 1.16 my $diff = ".diff?r1=$oldrev&r2=$newrev";
133 tdb 1.19 print "(<a href=\"/cgi-bin/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/$file$diff\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">";
134     print HTML_encode("$1.$2");
135 tdb 1.16 print "</a>";
136 tdb 1.19 print HTML_encode("$3)");
137 tdb 1.16 }
138     else {
139     print HTML_encode($rest);
140     }
141     }
142     else {
143     print HTML_encode($rest);
144     }
145     print HTML_encode($ext);
146     print "</code><br>\n"
147 tdb 1.7 }
148     else {
149     chop $line;
150     print "<code>";
151     print HTML_encode($line);
152 tdb 1.11 print "</code><br>\n"
153 tdb 1.7 }
154 tdb 1.5 }
155     }
156 tdb 1.8 print "</td></tr>\n";
157 tdb 1.1
158 tdb 1.7 print "</table><p>\n\n";
159 tdb 1.1 }
161 tdb 1.13 &print_html($bottom);
163 tdb 1.1 print <<"END";
164 tdb 1.12
165     </td>
166     </tr>
167     </table>
168 tdb 1.7
169 tdb 1.1 </body>
171     </html>
172     END
174     exit 0;
176     #------------------------------------------------------
177     # sub HTML_encode
178     #
179     # escape HTML characters that may cause problems when
180     # shown either in the <body> or within text fields.
181     #------------------------------------------------------
182     sub HTML_encode ($){
183     my ($encoded) = @_;
184     $encoded =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
185     $encoded =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
186     $encoded =~ s/</&lt;/g;
187     $encoded =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
188     return $encoded;
189 tdb 1.13 }
191     # Print a file without escaping HTML: -
192     sub print_html ($) {
193     my ($filename) = @_;
194     print `cat $filename 2>&1`;
195 tdb 1.1 }