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File Last Change
acknowledgements.shtml 1.7 (22 years ago) by tdb: A few alterations.
atsign.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: A graphical "@" image so that our email addresses may look normal yet foil the evil spambots from the planet Mong. Probably a good idea to give the image an ALT paramter of "at" for those people who prefer browsers that are incapable of doing things as complicated as pictures.
banner.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: A full size banner advert to be placed on pages that wish to proudly announce their use of the i-scream central monitoring system!
banner2.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: A small web banner to be added to pages that wish to proudly announce their use of the i-scream central monitoring system!
banner3.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: "Advertisement" version of our banner logo. Crikey. (21 years ago) by tdb: Changed all's to's. Also, changed any links in to :-) This change will only appear on the new webserver as it is on a branch. (21 years ago) by tdb: Don't specifically give an ihost download, rather, give the dir.
cvs.shtml (21 years ago) by tdb: cvsstat is now known as cvsplot.
cvs.xhtml (21 years ago) by tdb: cvsstat is now known as cvsplot.
features.shtml 1.2 (22 years ago) by tdb: Some updates to the i-scream website. Particularly the entry page has had an overhaul. It now has a News section and a Current Work section. This should slightly help in making i-scream not look quite so dead. Once again, my web design skills aren't great, so changes are welcome :-)
i-scream-autobuild.asc 1.1 (21 years ago) by tdb: Updated development key, and added new automatic build key. Page has been updating accordingly.
i-scream-dev.asc 1.4 (21 years ago) by tdb: Updated development key, and added new automatic build key. Page has been updating accordingly.
i-scream.gif 1.2 (24 years ago) by pjm2: I wonder if we'll get our asses sued for doing this...
i-scream_small.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by ajm: a small transparent i-scream logo
index.shtml 1.2 (22 years ago) by tdb: Some updates to the i-scream website. Particularly the entry page has had an overhaul. It now has a News section and a Current Work section. This should slightly help in making i-scream not look quite so dead. Once again, my web design skills aren't great, so changes are welcome :-)
index.xhtml 1.2 (22 years ago) by tdb: Some updates to the i-scream website. Particularly the entry page has had an overhaul. It now has a News section and a Current Work section. This should slightly help in making i-scream not look quite so dead. Once again, my web design skills aren't great, so changes are welcome :-) (21 years ago) by tdb: Changed all's to's. Also, changed any links in to :-) This change will only appear on the new webserver as it is on a branch.
license.shtml 1.2 (22 years ago) by tdb: Must remember to escape <'s and >'s.
license.xhtml 1.2 (22 years ago) by tdb: Must remember to escape <'s and >'s.
mailinglists.shtml (21 years ago) by tdb: Changed all's to's. Also, changed any links in to :-) This change will only appear on the new webserver as it is on a branch.
mailinglists.xhtml (21 years ago) by tdb: Changed all's to's. Also, changed any links in to :-) This change will only appear on the new webserver as it is on a branch.
minutes.shtml 1.4 (22 years ago) by tdb: Some updates to the i-scream website. Particularly the entry page has had an overhaul. It now has a News section and a Current Work section. This should slightly help in making i-scream not look quite so dead. Once again, my web design skills aren't great, so changes are welcome :-)
oldtodo.shtml 1.23 (22 years ago) by tdb: Some updates to the i-scream website. Particularly the entry page has had an overhaul. It now has a News section and a Current Work section. This should slightly help in making i-scream not look quite so dead. Once again, my web design skills aren't great, so changes are welcome :-)
pgpkey.shtml 1.3 (21 years ago) by tdb: Updated development key, and added new automatic build key. Page has been updating accordingly.
pgpkey.xhtml 1.3 (21 years ago) by tdb: Updated development key, and added new automatic build key. Page has been updating accordingly.
probdomain.shtml 1.4 (22 years ago) by tdb: Some updates to the i-scream website. Particularly the entry page has had an overhaul. It now has a News section and a Current Work section. This should slightly help in making i-scream not look quite so dead. Once again, my web design skills aren't great, so changes are welcome :-)
projectpapers.shtml 1.2 (22 years ago) by tdb: Some updates to the i-scream website. Particularly the entry page has had an overhaul. It now has a News section and a Current Work section. This should slightly help in making i-scream not look quite so dead. Once again, my web design skills aren't great, so changes are welcome :-)
quotes.shtml 1.5 (22 years ago) by tdb: Some updates to the i-scream website. Particularly the entry page has had an overhaul. It now has a News section and a Current Work section. This should slightly help in making i-scream not look quite so dead. Once again, my web design skills aren't great, so changes are welcome :-) 1.2 (22 years ago) by tdb: Some updates to the i-scream website. Particularly the entry page has had an overhaul. It now has a News section and a Current Work section. This should slightly help in making i-scream not look quite so dead. Once again, my web design skills aren't great, so changes are welcome :-)
todo.shtml 1.4 (22 years ago) by tdb: Some updates to the i-scream website. Particularly the entry page has had an overhaul. It now has a News section and a Current Work section. This should slightly help in making i-scream not look quite so dead. Once again, my web design skills aren't great, so changes are welcome :-)
toucan.gif 1.1 (24 years ago) by tdb: Small logo for our web hosting company. 1.9 (22 years ago) by tdb: A bit of naming consistency.
who.shtml (21 years ago) by tdb: Changed all's to's. Also, changed any links in to :-) This change will only appear on the new webserver as it is on a branch.
who.xhtml (21 years ago) by tdb: Changed all's to's. Also, changed any links in to :-) This change will only appear on the new webserver as it is on a branch.
13 directories and 34 files shown