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Revision: 1.10
Committed: Wed Mar 8 15:19:16 2006 UTC (18 years, 9 months ago) by tdb
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.9: +1 -0 lines
Log Message:
And one more, image.

File Contents

# Content
1 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
2 <head>
3 <title>
4 i-scream CMS homepage
5 </title>
6 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
7 </head>
8 <body>
9 <div id="container">
10 <div id="main">
11 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
12 <div id="contents">
13 <h1 class="top">
14 i-scream CMS homepage
15 </h1>
16 <div id="topnav">
17 <ul>
18 <li>
19 <a href="#overview">Overview</a>
20 </li>
21 <li>
22 <a href="#screenshots">Screen Shots</a>
23 </li>
24 <li>
25 <a href="#demo">Reports Demo</a>
26 </li>
27 <li>
28 <a href="#downloads">Downloads</a>
29 </li>
30 <li>
31 <a href="#documentation">Documentation</a>
32 </li>
33 <li>
34 <a href="#history">Project History</a>
35 </li>
36 </ul>
37 </div>
38 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
39 <h2>
40 <a id="overview">Overview</a>
41 </h2>
42 <p>
43 The i-scream central monitoring system provides a free,
44 centrally configurable distributed server to monitor the
45 status and performance of Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD and
46 Windows machines on a network. The server can raise alerts
47 using email, IRC or a large public information display.
48 Information may also be browsed interactively via the web
49 or using our multi-platform client.
50 </p>
51 <ul>
52 <li>
53 <a href="features.xhtml">Features</a>
54 </li>
55 </ul>
56 <p>
57 Follow the link above for the original problem
58 specification we were given to develop the i-scream CMS,
59 and the feature set of the CMS after it was finished.
60 </p>
61 <h2>
62 <a id="screenshots">Screen Shots</a>
63 </h2>
64 <ul>
65 <li>
66 <a href="screenshots/">Screen Shots</a>
67 </li>
68 </ul>
69 <p>
70 These screenshots were taken at the end of the project, and
71 therefore show the old build given below, and none of our
72 new features.
73 </p>
74 <h2>
75 <a id="demo">Reports Demo</a>
76 </h2>
77 <ul>
78 <li>
79 <a href="reports/">Demo</a>
80 </li>
81 </ul>
82 <p>
83 This is a demo of the web-based reports that the i-scream
84 system can do. It's taken from the old builds, so doesn't
85 show any of the new RRDTool based features.
86 </p>
87 <h2>
88 <a id="downloads">Downloads</a>
89 </h2>
90 <h3>
91 Snapshot Builds
92 </h3>
93 <ul>
94 <li>
95 <a href="">Snapshots</a>
96 </li>
97 </ul>
98 <p>
99 Since the project was completed various changes have
100 happened in the CMS. These are undocumented, but fairly
101 straightforward. We'd strongly suggest you use this version
102 of the CMS rather than the builds from the end of the
103 project.
104 </p>
105 <p>
106 We've done a fair amount of work on the graphing/database
107 side of the CMS, and fixed numerous bugs. Also, the new
108 ihost/libstatgrab combination requires the snapshot builds.
109 </p>
110 <h3>
111 Old Builds (from project completion)
112 </h3>
113 <ul>
114 <li>
115 <a href="/mirrors.xhtml">Download Mirrors</a>
116 </li>
117 </ul>
118 <p>
119 These builds can be found in the <code>cms</code> directory
120 on our download mirrors. They were completed at the end
121 of the project itself, and match with the documentation
122 below, and work. But we've done a fair amount of work
123 since creating them.
124 </p>
125 <h2>
126 <a id="documentation">Documentation</a>
127 </h2>
128 <h3>
129 Product documentation
130 </h3>
131 <ul>
132 <li>
133 <a href="documentation/">Documentation</a>
134 </li>
135 </ul>
136 <p>
137 This documentation was written as the CMS project was
138 completed. It therefore applies to the downloads available
139 from the time the project finished. There will definately
140 be descrepencies between this documentation and the snapshot
141 builds.
142 </p>
143 <h3>
144 Javadoc documentation
145 </h3>
146 <ul>
147 <li>
148 <a href="javadoc/">Javadoc</a>
149 </li>
150 </ul>
151 <p>
152 Each component of the CMS written in java has fairly
153 extensive javadoc documentation that helps to explain the
154 code and API's.
155 </p>
156 <h3>
157 Process documentation
158 </h3>
159 <ul>
160 <li>
161 <a href="minutes.xhtml">Meeting Minutes</a>
162 </li>
163 <li>
164 <a href="projectpapers.xhtml">Documentation</a>
165 </li>
166 </ul>
167 <p>
168 Various pieces of documentation were generated during the
169 project that were intended for internal use. They're not
170 required reading for running the CMS, but might be
171 interesting if you're curious about the project itself.
172 </p>
173 <h2>
174 <a id="history">Project History</a>
175 </h2>
176 <p>
177 The i-scream Distributed Central Monitoring System
178 started off as a final year project for a group of
179 <a href="">Computer Science</a>
180 students at the <a href="">University
181 of Kent</a>, UK. The project was completed at 4pm on
182 29 March 2001. It consisted of five lever-arch folders
183 containing mostly source code and documentation. The
184 CVS repository was tagged to signify this event, however.
185 </p>
186 <p>
187 As can be seen in our "<a href="features.xhtml">problem
188 domain</a>" document, the project was aimed at the UKC
189 Computer Science department, and as such we believed that a
190 demonstration to the "customer" was important. The feedback
191 from our demonstation was more positive than we had
192 anticipated. We believe that the system may now be of
193 interest to anybody who wishes to monitor a number of
194 machines on their network using a central configuration.
195 The i-scream central monitoring system is now being used by
196 the UKC Computer Science department, and their feedback is
197 being used to further improve the product.
198 </p>
199 <p>
200 The name <i>i-scream</i> arose from a meeting whereupon one
201 member of the development team felt a strange urge to draw
202 an ice cream on the discussion board. It later became
203 apparent that we had no name for our project (other than
204 'The Project'). It seemed only natural to name our project
205 after the ice cream that had been oh-so-randomly drawn on
206 the white board. Copyright issues immediately ruled out
207 anything involving Mr Whippy, so we had to settle for
208 <i>i-scream</i>. And thus, we were left with a cunning play
209 on words - it still sounded like <i>ice cream</i>, yet also
210 served as a functional description of our system - namely,
211 one which screams at somebody if something has gone
212 wrong...
213 </p>
214 </div>
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