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conient-config.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: A thumbnail and screenshot image for the Conient configuration
thumbnail-conient-config.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: A thumbnail and screenshot image for the Conient configuration
index.xhtml 1.8 (20 years ago) by tdb: Another biggish commit. All pages are now XHTML 1.1 compliant. I've also tided (with the help of the tidy tool) all the pages, so they're neater. There are still parts of the site that won't validate - such as the CGI scripts, and the CVS stuff - but I'll get to them tomorrow.
reports-raptor-latest-misc.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Just a random screenshot and thumbnail of the latest data received from raptor
thumbnail-reports-raptor-latest-misc.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Just a random screenshot and thumbnail of the latest data received from raptor
thumbnail-server-main.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Screenshot and thumbnail of the server "running" ;o)
server-main.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Screenshot and thumbnail of the server "running" ;o)
reports-raptor-load15.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Screenshot/thumbnail of some historical data being viewed
thumbnail-reports-raptor-load15.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Screenshot/thumbnail of some historical data being viewed
reports-public-autoscroll.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Screenshot/thumbnail of the public helpdesk style display
thumbnail-reports-public-autoscroll.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Screenshot/thumbnail of the public helpdesk style display
reports-raptor-users.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Showing the metadata links on the historical reports (screenshot and thumbnail of)
thumbnail-reports-raptor-users.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Showing the metadata links on the historical reports (screenshot and thumbnail of)
alerter-email.gif 1.2 (23 years ago) by pjm2: The "proper" email alerter screen shot with the correct time stuff on it.
reports-main.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: The reports centre screenshot/thumbnail
thumbnail-reports-main.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: The reports centre screenshot/thumbnail
thumbnail-conient-main.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Thumbnail and full size screen shot of the main Conient window in use
conient-main.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Thumbnail and full size screen shot of the main Conient window in use
thumbnail-alerter-email.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Thumbnail and screenshot for the email alerter
thumbnail-winhost-main.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Thumbnail and screenshot of the WinHost running.
winhost-main.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Thumbnail and screenshot of the WinHost running.
alerter-irc.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Thumbnail/screenshot for the IRC alerter
thumbnail-alerter-irc.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Thumbnail/screenshot for the IRC alerter
thumbnail-ihost-main.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: thumbnail/screenshot of ihost starting up
ihost-main.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: thumbnail/screenshot of ihost starting up
conient-queues.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: thumbnail/screenshot of queue monitoring in Conient
thumbnail-conient-queues.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: thumbnail/screenshot of queue monitoring in Conient
thumbnail-reports-alerts-all.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: thumbnail/screenshot of the 'all alerts' web page
reports-alerts-all.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: thumbnail/screenshot of the 'all alerts' web page
thumbnail-conient-platform-info.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: thumbnail/screenshot of the conient "platform" window
conient-platform-info.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: thumbnail/screenshot of the conient "platform" window
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