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Revision: 1.3
Committed: Tue Mar 23 23:43:34 2004 UTC (20 years, 9 months ago) by tdb
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.2: +61 -39 lines
Log Message:
Another biggish commit.

All pages are now XHTML 1.1 compliant. I've also tided (with the help of
the tidy tool) all the pages, so they're neater.

There are still parts of the site that won't validate - such as the CGI
scripts, and the CVS stuff - but I'll get to them tomorrow.

File Contents

# Content
1 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
2 <head>
3 <title>
4 i-scream cvs statistics
5 </title>
6 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
7 </head>
8 <body>
9 <div id="container">
10 <div id="main">
11 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
12 <div id="contents">
13 <h1 class="top">
14 i-scream cvs statistics
15 </h1>
16 <p>
17 This webpage shows a graphical representation of the
18 <i>file count</i> and <i>line count</i> for the source
19 files.<br />
20 Only the files in the cms module of cvs are listed. This
21 page is updated at 7am daily.
22 </p>
23 <p>
24 You can also <a href="">browse</a>
25 the cvs repository.
26 </p>
27 <h3>
28 file count
29 </h3>
30 <p>
31 Count of the number of files since the start of the
32 project.
33 </p>
34 <p>
35 Textual representation: <a href="filedata.txt">filedata.txt</a>
36 </p>
37 <p>
38 <img src="filedata.png" width="640" height="480" alt="number of files" />
39 </p>
40 <h3>
41 line count
42 </h3>
43 <p>
44 Count of the number of lines of code and documentation
45 since the start of the project.
46 </p>
47 <p>
48 Textual representation: <a href="linedata.txt">linedata.txt</a>
49 </p>
50 <p>
51 <img src="linedata.png" width="640" height="480" alt="lines of code" />
52 </p>
53 <h3>
54 credits
55 </h3>
56 <p>
57 These images were generated using the cvsplot program,
58 which can be found
59 <a href="">here</a>.
60 </p>
61 </div>
62 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
63 </div>
64 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
65 </div>
66 </body>
67 </html>