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File Last Change
freebsdlogo.gif 1.1 (21 years ago) by tdb: Add FreeBSD logo.
freebsdlogo_small.gif 1.1 (21 years ago) by tdb: powerlogo.gif was too large for left bar. Now changed for a smaller version of the same thing.
ipv6-logo.gif 1.1 (19 years ago) by tdb: Display a different logo if coming in from IPv6. It's not nice, but I don't have a better logo atm :-) Just a bit of fun really...
valid-xhtml11.png 1.1 (20 years ago) by tdb: Pretty much the last set of changes I'm going to make: - Make top-left image more friendly to caches by randomising the URL, rather than having the URL point to a CGI that returns a random image. - Change the whole left side bar to use lists for the links, as they should be, rather than lines of text seperated by <br>'s. - Add valid XHTML and CSS logos, because we now comply.
vcss.png 1.1 (20 years ago) by tdb: Pretty much the last set of changes I'm going to make: - Make top-left image more friendly to caches by randomising the URL, rather than having the URL point to a CGI that returns a random image. - Change the whole left side bar to use lists for the links, as they should be, rather than lines of text seperated by <br>'s. - Add valid XHTML and CSS logos, because we now comply.
0 directories and 5 files shown