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Revision: 1.16
Committed: Tue Jun 12 21:27:57 2007 UTC (17 years, 6 months ago) by tdb
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.15: +0 -18 lines
Log Message:
Kill off mirrors provided by The JISC National Mirror Service. They're
closing down in the not too distant future. Our DNS entries are now
switched to point at UKMS.

File Contents

# Content
1 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
2 <head>
3 <title>
4 Download Mirrors
5 </title>
6 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
7 </head>
8 <body>
9 <div id="container">
10 <div id="main">
11 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
12 <div id="contents">
13 <h1 class="top">
14 Download Mirrors
15 </h1>
16 <p>
17 This is a list of mirrors containing i-scream downloads.
18 Please choose a mirror, preferably near you, rather than
19 the master site. If you want to mirror i-scream please
20 <a href="">contact</a> us with
21 details.
22 </p>
23 <h2>
24 FTP Mirrors
25 </h2>
26 <h3>
27 Master Site
28 </h3>
29 <ul>
30 <li></li>
31 </ul>
32 <h3>
33 UK Mirrors
34 </h3>
35 <ul>
36 <li>
37 <a href="">
39 - Provided by <a href="">The
40 UK Mirror Service</a>.
41 </li>
42 </ul>
43 <h2>
44 HTTP Mirrors
45 </h2>
46 <h3>
47 Master Site
48 </h3>
49 <ul>
50 <li></li>
51 </ul>
52 <h3>
53 UK Mirrors
54 </h3>
55 <ul>
56 <li>
57 <a href="">
59 - Provided by <a href="">The
60 UK Mirror Service</a>.
61 </li>
62 </ul>
63 <h2>
64 RSYNC Mirrors
65 </h2>
66 <h3>
67 Master Site
68 </h3>
69 <ul>
70 <li>rsync://</li>
71 </ul>
72 <h3>
73 UK Mirrors
74 </h3>
75 <ul>
76 <li>
77 <a href="rsync://">
78 rsync://</a>
79 - Provided by <a href="">The
80 UK Mirror Service</a>.
81 </li>
82 </ul>
83 <h2>
84 Snapshot Mirrors
85 </h2>
86 <h3>
87 Master Site
88 </h3>
89 <ul>
90 <li></li>
91 </ul>
92 </div>
93 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
94 </div>
95 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
96 </div>
97 </body>
98 </html>