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Revision: 1.7
Committed: Mon May 31 15:07:48 2004 UTC (20 years, 6 months ago) by tdb
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.6: +1 -1 lines
Log Message:
Shocking typing errors :-)

File Contents

# Content
1 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
2 <head>
3 <title>
4 i-scream pystatgrab homepage
5 </title>
6 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
7 </head>
8 <body>
9 <div id="container">
10 <div id="main">
11 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
12 <div id="contents">
13 <h1 class="top">
14 i-scream pystatgrab homepage
15 </h1>
16 <div id="topnav">
17 <ul>
18 <li>
19 <a href="#news">News</a>
20 </li>
21 <li>
22 <a href="#what">What is pystatgrab?</a>
23 </li>
24 <li>
25 <a href="#download">Downloading</a>
26 </li>
27 <li>
28 <a href="#development">Development</a>
29 </li>
30 </ul>
31 </div>
32 <h2>
33 <a id="news">News</a>
34 </h2>
35 <p>
36 To get notifications of new pystatgrab releases why not
37 subscribe to our project over on
38 <a href="">freshmeat</a>?
39 </p>
40 <h3>
41 Monday 31 May 2004
42 </h3>
43 <p>
44 Version 0.2 of pystatgrab has been released.<br />
45 Download it
46 <a href="">
47 here</a>.
48 </p>
49 <p>
50 This release brings support for <a href="/libstatgrab/">
51 libstatgrab</a> 0.10. The standardised naming scheme from
52 libstatgrab has been adopted, and the new functions added.
53 </p>
54 <h3>
55 Sunday 21 March 2004
56 </h3>
57 <p>
58 Version 0.1 of pystatgrab has been released.<br />
59 Download it
60 <a href="">
61 here</a>.
62 </p>
63 <p>
64 This is the first release of pystatgrab; a set of Python
65 bindings for the <a href="/libstatgrab/">libstatgrab</a>
66 library. Although lacking in documentation, it's fairly
67 complete feature wise.
68 </p>
69 <h2>
70 <a id="what">What is pystatgrab?</a>
71 </h2>
72 <p>
73 pystatgrab is a set of Python bindings for the
74 <a href="/libstatgrab/">libstatgrab</a> library. It installs
75 as a module and provides a set of function calls with
76 identical names to the libstatgrab functions. The returned
77 data types also map logically on to the structures returned
78 by libstatgrab.
79 </p>
80 <p>
81 pystatgrab should work on any platform that libstatgrab
82 will work on. Currently, pystatgrab requires version 0.9 of
83 libstatgrab to function.
84 </p>
85 <h2>
86 <a id="download">Downloading</a>
87 </h2>
88 <p>
89 The latest version of pystatgrab can be downloaded from our
90 primary download
91 <a href="">
92 mirror</a>. All downloads are pgp signed using our
93 <a href="/pgpkey.xhtml">PGP Key</a>.
94 </p>
95 <p>
96 For installation instructions see the README file contained
97 within the archive. If you're using
98 <a href="">FreeBSD</a> you can make use of
99 the <a href="">
100 devel/py-statgrab</a> port to install pystatgrab (and
101 libstatgrab) for you.
102 </p>
103 <h2>
104 <a id="development">Development</a>
105 </h2>
106 <ul>
107 <li>
108 <a href="/cgi-bin/cvslog.cgi?period=thisweek&amp;module=projects/pystatgrab">Commits this week</a>
109 </li>
110 </ul>
111 <p>
112 We develop pystatgrab using the CVS revision control system.
113 Using this link you can see what changes we've made this week.
114 For more information on our CVS setup see our
115 <a href="/cvs.xhtml">CVS page</a>.
116 </p>
117 </div>
118 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
119 </div>
120 <!--#include virtual="/" -->
121 </div>
122 </body>
123 </html>