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24hour.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Might be shared by more than one report section now, so it's in the shared area.
alert_logo.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: A logo for use on the main index page of the reports. This one links to the alert pages.
allalerts_logo.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: A logo for use on the main index page for the reports. This one links to the list of alerts for ALL machines.
bar.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Shared image. 1.7 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Now using the email addresses at the bottom of the page. Also changed all of the level gifs so that there was a more distinct difference between the colour of the blue squares.
historical_logo.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: This is the logo for linking to the historical reports from the main index of all reports. 1.2 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Silly mistake... somebody shoot me
latest_logo.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: The logo for 'latest data received' reports pages. This logo is used on the main index page to all reports.
level0.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: These are lots of little jubbly images for giving a visual indication of an alert level for alerts.
level1.gif 1.3 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Now using the email addresses at the bottom of the page. Also changed all of the level gifs so that there was a more distinct difference between the colour of the blue squares.
level2.gif 1.3 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Now using the email addresses at the bottom of the page. Also changed all of the level gifs so that there was a more distinct difference between the colour of the blue squares.
level3.gif 1.3 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Now using the email addresses at the bottom of the page. Also changed all of the level gifs so that there was a more distinct difference between the colour of the blue squares.
level4.gif 1.3 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Now using the email addresses at the bottom of the page. Also changed all of the level gifs so that there was a more distinct difference between the colour of the blue squares.
level5.gif 1.3 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Now using the email addresses at the bottom of the page. Also changed all of the level gifs so that there was a more distinct difference between the colour of the blue squares.
minichart.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: A small image of a chart to be used as a link to historical reports from the realtime reorts
scale.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Shared image for reports
title.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Common title image for all reports 1.8 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Meta http equiv refresh tag may be added if $refresh is defined as an integer between 0 and 999. This means that people can append "refresh=n" to the end of a URL to get the page to automatically refresh every n seconds. This is suitable for "helpdesk style" displays of system information on a dumb machine. 1.13 (23 years ago) by pjm2: The scroll speed can now be set. $scroll may be set in the querystring to a value of 1 to 9 inclusive, which is the number of pixels scrolled every 1/20th of a second.
valid-html401.gif 1.1 (23 years ago) by pjm2: Valid HTML4.01 logo
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